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Showing posts from May, 2024

Day 128: Continuing on Establishing a Sleep Routine

Welcome back to my holistic wellness journey! You Can't Always Control Sleep, But You Can Control Your Sleep Ritual Last night, I had no trouble falling asleep, which was a relief. I chatted with a friend who pointed out that I might be feeling off because my hubby is away for a few nights this week. It makes sense since I'm used to having him around at night. Today's lesson was filled with tips for Better Sleep 1. Decide on a bedtime in advance and start planning for it 1-2 hours ahead. This one I have focused on bringing back earlier and earlier since starting PN. 2. Limit caffeine to the morning. I am working on this one - I drink tea/iced tea but usually have a few in the morning/early afternoon and that has been working for me.  3. Do a "brain dump" before bed to clear your mind in a journal. This one is what I am doing on this blog! 4. Turn off all electronic screens an hour before bed. Most of the time this one is easy. Sometimes though we will watch shows/

Day 127: Trial and Error for Sleep Rituals

Thanks for stopping by! Today, I am tired. That extra cup of herbal tea before bed, part of my sleep ritual, backfired as I was up multiple times to use the bathroom. Oh, well, that's okay because this habit is all about the trial to find what a good sleep ritual is. There was a live session all about this habit that I wanted to go to but I ended up missing due to work. I am looking forward to the recording link from the coaches on Friday for it because I really want to keep getting good sleep and I'm sure there were a lot of positive tips and discussion as there always is on those sessions. What's So Great About Sleep? Sleep restores everything in our bodies: our immune, nervous, skeletal, hormonal, and muscular systems. It helps regulate our metabolism, including blood sugar and insulin levels. Without adequate sleep, we can gain fat and develop diabetes. Sleep also aids in memory formation and recall, and helps us think, learn, and make better decisions. Most people need

Day 126: New Habit - Create and Use a Sleep Ritual

Welcome back to my daily journal! Today's lesson from PN is a new habit where we create and use a sleep ritual. It's all about understanding three important facts about sleep. First, good sleep is essential for a healthy, strong, and fit body. Second, good sleep doesn’t just happen magically. Third, you can usually get better sleep by making it a priority and building good sleep habits. They talked about how we often try to go from being wide awake to sleeping immediately after a busy day. The key to a smooth transition is a sleep ritual—a set of behaviors signaling to the brain that it's time to calm down and prepare for sleep. This is crucial because while I can’t control the exact amount or quality of sleep, I can control my sleep behaviors. What is a sleep ritual? A sleep ritual helps me transition from being awake to falling asleep. It tells my brain to stop thinking about the to-do list and focus on winding down. This is especially important when dealing with small ch

Day 125: Finding the Bright Spots in Food Journals

Hi again, welcome back to my daily holistic journey that I am on. Look for the Good Stuff When people do a food journal, they usually look for "bad stuff" (whatever they think that is). Today’s lesson encouraged me to focus on the "good stuff" and "bright spots." Reflecting on my food journal, I found moments when I had a Meal of Awesome. Even one conscious, thoughtful choice when it could have easily been a mindless, poor one, is a win. Preparation, routines, and having a Plan B made these choices easier. Going forward, I’ll aim to do more of the things that are already working for me. What's Up Next Week Next week brings a new habit: creating and using a sleep routine. This habit aims to improve overall well-being by ensuring quality rest. I actually feel like my sleep routine has evolved during this program and most nights I have no issue falling asleep and am excited to see what they talk about. Reviewing my Photos Reviewing my food records from th

Day 124: Red Wiggler Worms and Active Recovery

New Worm Farm Today, we picked up the red wiggler worms for our new worm farm. The woman who sold them was incredibly helpful, offering tips for the best possible start. She even included some of the bedding and castings, which will help the worms acclimatize to their new bin. Seeing her worm farm in the kitchen and noticing it didn't smell at all was reassuring. I have ours set up in the kitchen for now, and I'm relieved to confirm that there shouldn't be any odors. Vermicomposting has nothing but good things when it comes to gardening and houseplants so I am really looking forward to not only diverting the food from the green bin program but having faster compost compared to my regular bin outside. I have already had someone offer to take some of the castings off of my hands for their gardens so clearly this is something that people are interested in and use locally. She also introduced me to laughing yoga, which I had never heard of before. It sounds like a fun way to co

Day 123: Reviewing Food Journals and Triggers

Today's lesson was a lot of review, but it reinforced important concepts. The focus was on recognizing how different foods make us feel, which is crucial for understanding our reactions and improving our eating habits. I found it enlightening to see how my food choices impact my well-being, even though the habit of food journaling can feel overwhelming. However, I've noticed positive changes like fewer IBS symptoms, better sleep, and consistent energy levels since doing my best to eat following the PN habits. Basics of Reviewing Food Journals We revisited the basics of what to look for in a food journal food quantity, food quality, staying consistent with PN Coaching habits and principles. I am looking forward to the end of this habit. I don't think that it really has helped me in the way that it could and I would like to try it again at a later date. Food and Feelings The lesson emphasized paying attention to how foods make us feel, focusing on food intolerances and trigge

Day 122: Tracking Food and Feelings

Understanding Food and Feelings Today's lesson was all about understanding how food makes you feel. We revisited the basics of what to look for in a food journal: food quantity, quality, and consistency with PN Coaching habits. But today, we dug deeper into how specific foods might affect us physically and emotionally. This is very similar to a few of the discussions that we have had in the live sessions previously and is also covered in the Intuitive Eating book so it felt very familiar. See my Intuitive Eating book review and how it compares to PN here.  Food Allergies and Intolerances Food allergies and intolerances can cause a range of symptoms, from mild itching to severe anaphylaxis. The lesson also talked about food intolerances, which are much more common and can cause digestive issues, skin problems, and mood changes. Keeping track of these reactions in our food journal can help identify patterns. I'm sure that because I have changed to eating a lot of whole foods and

Day 121: Analyzing a Sample Food Journal

Hey everyone welcome back to my holistic journey! Today’s lesson from PN was fascinating as we reviewed a sample food journal. It included a mixture of measured foods and hand portions. While it wasn’t entirely PN plate-friendly, it didn’t look too bad on the surface. However, there were some points of interest, such as 2 cups of orange juice with breakfast. Although that sounds healthy, it's often better to eat whole fruit rather than drinking juice due to the hidden sugars and lack of fiber in the juice. I'm still focusing on using photos to track my meals and really am looking forward to this habit to be over. I don't enjoy it at all. While I am trying not to judge myself, I am finding that I am wanting to have more things like apple pie a couple of days in a row which is throwing off my PN plate goals. I know that it is just information but then I get annoyed. Happily the pie is gone now but still, it was a good visual reminder that I am a work in progress when it comes

Book Review Intuitive Eating

Buy On Amazon As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I finally finished reading through all of my notes that I was making as I read through the 4th edition of the Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch and decided to compare it to PN as part of my review). I would say that this is definitely a comprehensive guide that promotes a harmonious relationship with food, body, and mind. The book challenges traditional diet culture and encourages readers to listen to their body's natural hunger and satiety cues. This edition includes updated research, new insights, and practical tools to help readers reconnect with their internal signals which I appreciate that they are keeping the book current so that the latest information is in there. I think that it is important to understand the history of the book and was thrilled to see that they included not only personal stories but studies as well to help understand why they we

Day 120: How Much Are You Actually Eating?

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog and yes, that is my cat who decided to jump into the dishwasher after it was empty! Today’s lesson delved into the importance of truly understanding our food intake and accurately recording it in our food journals. We often underestimate how much we eat, especially with little nibbles here and there. For instance, cleaning up after dinner might lead to consuming enough bites to count as a second meal - for me this was something I did when my son was younger as I didn't want ot waste food. To become more aware of our actual intake, we need to consciously ask ourselves, "How much am I actually eating?" and ensure that we record everything accurately in our journals. What to Look for in Your Food Journals This lesson was broken into two levels - I am level one so am focused on that as I have been on past lessons that are split into two levels in the program. The Basics Eating to Satisfied: Are you estimating portion sizes correctly?

Day 119: Reflecting on Food Journaling and Embracing New Workout Phase

Hey everyone! Happy Victoria Day! Today’s lesson was filled with reflection questions to help us engage deeply with our food journaling and overall progress. They focused on how food journaling might feel obsessive, but it's a powerful tool for gaining self-awareness. Here are some questions they are having us think about. How does recording my intake affect my behavior? I am mindful that I want to take photos of not only my before eating meal but after as well when I am eating to satiation and I have been having quite a few of those this week! Am I noticing any changes in my eating patterns? I am definitely more aware of eating slowly and drinking between bites and have had to refill my water a couple of times this past week. They reminded us that the food journal is not about judging myself as "good" or "bad" but gathering data and evidence to inform future decisions. We are doing an experiment which is no different than the previous habits we have focused on

Day 118: Staying Engaged with Food Journaling and Reflecting on Progress

Hey everyone! Today’s lesson focused on the importance of staying checked in with our food journals. It's all about engaging with the process and gaining awareness to help us move forward, even if it sometimes feels uncomfortable. Staying Engaged with Food Journaling Here are some key reflections from today’s lesson: Awareness and Behavior How does recording my intake influence my behavior? I have focused a bit more on what I am making to eat during this process. Am I altering my choices because I know I'll be writing them down? I am making sure that all of my meals are PN plates - so yes being aware of my food choices helps me make more mindful decisions. Journal as a Tool Am I using the journal as a helpful device or letting it dictate my actions? It's a bit of both. I am adding extra veggies/fruits for sure. I'm trying to see the journal as a tool for reflection rather than a source of judgment. Resistance Do I find myself resisting the process? Yes. I really don'

Day 117: Measurement Success and Active Recovery

Welcome back and hello again! Today was a measurement day, and I'm thrilled to share my progress since starting the Precision Nutrition program. Measurement Milestones I’ve lost 13.3 lbs and 51 cm in total girth! This consistency is paying off, even with my PCOS and not always having full control over my meals. My engagement ring fits better too, almost sliding over the knuckle before getting stuck—still a positive sign of progress. I'm also falling asleep much easier, staying asleep and feeling overall a sense of calmness. Active Recovery and NEAT Activities Today was also an active recovery day. Alongside walking the dog, which is thankfully a counted active recovery as sometimes that's all I have time and energy for, I engaged in NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) activities like vacuuming and mowing the lawn. Interestingly, my Fitbit logged the lawn mowing as cycling. Family Time and Travel The day included a lot of driving to and from the airport, and I enjoyed

Day 116: Friday Bonuses, Personal Feedback, and Tracking Food Habits

Hi again and welcome to my blog! Fridays are always a bonus in the PN program because we get our regular lessons, plus messages and recipes from the coaches. Today, I also received personal feedback and encouragement from one of my coaches, which is always a great boost. Recipe from the Coaches 31 High-Protein Dinners That Taste Great and Keep You Full from Self Insights from Food Tracking Today's lesson focused on reflecting on the past few days of food tracking and the valuable insights it provides. Here are some key takeaways: Identify Gaps in Nutrition : For me I am noticing a lack of fruits this week when I look at the photos and so I am planning to incorporate them more consistently. Recognize Patterns: Observing how certain foods impact energy levels and cravings, such as feeling low-blood-sugary after eating specific items. I am finding that I am not having that mid afternoon crash that I used to have on days where I have had a PN plate for breakfast and lunch.  Emotional

Day 115: Understanding the Value of Food Tracking and Active Recovery

Hello everyone! Today, we had an insightful live session focusing on food tracking, elimination diets, and the process of reintroducing foods. The coaches excelled at providing practical tips and answering our questions, making these sessions one of my favorite parts of the program. Why We Don't Count Calories Today's lesson explained why we aren't asked to count calories in the PN program and I am thrilled to read that. Here are the key points that they talked about  Counting Calories Feels Restrictive : Focusing on what we can't have makes us feel deprived and triggers a rebellious mindset - to me calories are too abstract to mean anything. Calorie Quality Matters : Calorie counting doesn’t account for food quality. Nutrient-dense meals are more beneficial than calorie-equivalent junk food. This is super important - we have talked about it many times. Inaccuracies in Calorie Counting: Food labels can be off by up to 25%, making precise calorie counting unreliable. Wa

Day 114: Learning from Food Tracking and Purposeful Mistake

Hi everyone! Today's lesson focused on the value of food tracking and how our journals serve as tools for learning and growth rather than sources of judgment. The Importance of Food Tracking Reviewing my photo food journal is quite revealing in my nutrition habits in only a few short days. I'm not going worry about it, this is a process and I am just getting information. That being said, this reflection is crucial, as it helps identify areas needing improvement without self-criticism. Our journals are simply data collection tools, helping us understand our eating patterns better. Purposeful Mistakes for Learning Today's experiment encouraged me to deliberately make a "mistake" and record it. This approach teaches us that mistakes are opportunities for learning and growth. Observing how these choices impact us provides valuable insights for future decisions. This one was easy for me, I had frozen yogurt with bananas, peanuts and maple syrup for a snack. Highlightin

Day 113: Photo Tracking my Food and Building Self-Awareness

Hi everyone! Today, I decided to take a new approach to tracking my food by using photo tracking. This method seems more practical and engaging for me, allowing me to capture my meals before and after eating (if there's any food leftover). This also helps me align my meals with the PN plates and use the hand portion tracking sheet to see if they match up. Photo Tracking for Better Recall Today's lesson reiterated how unreliable our memory can be when recalling past meals, which is why writing things down—or in my case, taking photos—is essential. This practice enhances self-awareness and puts me in control of my eating decisions. I am interested to see where this tracking for two weeks leads as I presume at some point we will be studying them. I am also taking photos of when I haven't finished my meals (if that is the case) as well as I am really trying to get a hang of when I am  getting close to being satisfied and not stuffed full. Breakfast  Active Recovery Day Today wa

Day 112: Starting Food Tracking and Working on Detailed Self-Awareness

Hello everyone, thanks for reading your support means a lot! Today marks the beginning of a new habit in our PN journey—tracking our food intake. This is without a doubt the habit I did not look forward to. I had thought that we had to give the information into the portal for feedback but was surprised that isn't what they have us doing at all and that made me feel better about the habit.   The lesson today emphasized the importance of this practice not just for diet management, but as a tool for increasing self-awareness and ensuring accurate recall of our eating habits. Understanding Food Tracking The challenge posed by today’s lesson was simple yet revealing: trying to remember what we ate for dinner three days ago. This exercise highlighted how unreliable our memory can be when it comes to details about our food intake, which can lead to significant underestimations of what we consume. The solution? Writing things down as they happen. This Week’s Focus on the Habit is Data Coll

Day 111: Harnessing Positive Triggers and Planning for Success

  Welcome back and Happy Mother's Day! Today's lesson continued to delve into the power of triggers, focusing on identifying and setting up positive triggers that help maintain momentum in our health and fitness journey. Understanding and Setting Positive Triggers This week, I’ve been encouraged to notice what specifically triggers me to make my best choices—whether it’s a particular time of day, a certain environment, or specific words I tell myself. Today, I spent time thinking about how I can enhance these positive triggers. For instance, having my workout clothes ready the night before acts as a visual cue that sets the tone for an active morning. Preparing for the Upcoming Week With a new habit on the horizon—tracking what I eat—I took some time today to plan and strategize for the week ahead. This involves reviewing my schedule and ensuring that I have a solid plan for meal prep. My "trusted food prep" system is crucial for preparing PN-friendly meals, and I’ve

Day 110: Aurora Borealis, Active Recovery and Gardening Progress

Thanks for coming by again! Today, being Saturday, there were no new lessons in the PN program, but it was filled with plenty of activity and a couple of pleasant surprises. Extended Walks and Gardening I took advantage of the day for some active recovery, starting with an extended walk with my dog. We also enjoyed her usual walks throughout the day, which always adds a nice rhythm to our routine. In addition to our walks, I spent some time in the garden, moving my strawberry plants into the new berry garden alongside the blueberry bushes. Learning that strawberries can create beneficial shade for blueberries was a delightful bonus to optimizing my garden's layout. Aurora Borealis Surprise A special highlight of the day was my husband capturing a fantastic photo of the Aurora Borealis in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. It was quite unexpected, especially given the usual light pollution in our area. This rare sight added a magical touch to an already relaxing day. Usin