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Day 122: Tracking Food and Feelings

A vermicomposting setup in a garden. The compost bin is filled with various organic wastes like vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Red worms are actively breaking down the materials. Surrounding the bin are lush green plants and colorful flowers. A small watering can and a trowel are placed nearby. The scene is brightly lit by sunlight, highlighting the rich, dark compost being produced by the worms.

Understanding Food and Feelings

Today's lesson was all about understanding how food makes you feel. We revisited the basics of what to look for in a food journal: food quantity, quality, and consistency with PN Coaching habits. But today, we dug deeper into how specific foods might affect us physically and emotionally. This is very similar to a few of the discussions that we have had in the live sessions previously and is also covered in the Intuitive Eating book so it felt very familiar.

See my Intuitive Eating book review and how it compares to PN here. 

Food Allergies and Intolerances

Food allergies and intolerances can cause a range of symptoms, from mild itching to severe anaphylaxis. The lesson also talked about food intolerances, which are much more common and can cause digestive issues, skin problems, and mood changes. Keeping track of these reactions in our food journal can help identify patterns. I'm sure that because I have changed to eating a lot of whole foods and reduced the drive thrus and UPFs for the most part that has contributed a lot ot my IBS getting under control.

Trigger Foods

Trigger foods are those that lead to overeating or make us feel bad physically or emotionally. It's essential to identify these foods so we can manage or avoid them. Recognizing how certain foods impact us can help in making better food choices. I almost would have said apple pie was one this week. For some reason I wanted it, I ordered it and ate it two days in a row. I am thinking maybe it was because of my period and wanting sugar? I won't say it is a trigger food though because I had one piece and ate it slowly and mindfully and enjoyed it.

Today’s Active Recovery

Today was an active recovery day. I took my dog for multiple walks and did some gardening, moving a few bags of dirt and rearranging plants. It felt great to be outside, soaking up the sunshine and getting some natural vitamin D.

Live Session on Food Journals

There was a live session on food journals today, but honestly, I don’t enjoy this habit. Instead of joining live, I went for an extended walk with my dog at the lake. I plan to watch the session later when I feel more prepared to engage with the content. I found that the last session that we did live on food journaling there were a lot of people who were not enjoying the habit, it was triggering and I didn't want to bring anything negative to the session for other people.

Vermi-Future® Worm Condo Composting Worm Bin 4 Working Trays (with Startup Bedding)

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Exciting New Project

I ordered a worm compost bin from Amazon after watching an informative video (below) from a Canadian creator on Vermicomposting as he explained things like leave the spigot open and it looks like it includes the bedding to help start it. My son is excited to help me set it up, and we’re looking forward to learning about composting together. I’ve found a local source for the worms, so I’ll pick those up once the bin arrives - can't wait to get started, I'm sure my garden will love it!


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