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Welcome to My Gardening Journey in Ontario, Canada

Hello fellow green thumbs and curious readers! I'm thrilled to welcome you to my little corner of the internet, a space dedicated to my adventures and learnings in the world of gardening. Nestled in the beautiful landscapes of Ontario, Canada, my gardening journey is one of passion, discovery, and a deep connection with nature.

As a newbie hobby gardener, I've found solace and excitement in the soil of my backyard, where a small but mighty 8 x 6 greenhouse stands. This greenhouse, my sanctuary, most of my plants thrive in all but the coldest months (I do have a heater for fall/spring), offering a glimpse of green even when the world outside is blanketed in snow.

Unfortunately last winter (2023), unexpectedly, my heater died after three years without issue and along with it a bunch of my plants didn't make it in my greenhouse, so this year I am starting pretty much from scratch in there (2024). That's okay, because like my journey of holistic health, a new start is a way to rethink things and plan better.

Adjacent to this green haven is my raised garden bed with a keyhole composting system, a testament to the beauty and efficiency of maximizing small spaces. But my true love lies in container gardening. There's something magical about nurturing life in pots and planters, watching as each container becomes a microcosm of nature's endless bounty. Plus I can move the plants in and out of the greenhouse or house when needed.

Also, in 2024, my gardening path took a new turn as I delved into the world of regenerative gardening. This approach has not only deepened my understanding of the symbiotic relationships within ecosystems but has also opened my eyes to the possibilities of sustaining food production year-round, right in my own backyard as they say.

Through posts inmy blog, I aim to share the highs and lows of my gardening experiences. From the joy of the first sprout in spring to the challenges of keeping plants thriving through the changing seasons, I hope to create a space for learning, sharing, and growing together.

Whether you're here for tips on container gardening, curious about regenerative practices, or simply looking for a bit of green inspiration, I'm glad you've joined me on this journey. Let's cultivate not just gardens, but a community of gardeners passionate about bringing a bit of the earth's magic into our lives, one plant at a time.

Stay tuned for posts on everything from setting up a small greenhouse, maximizing the potential of raised beds, to exploring the innovative world of regenerative gardening. Together, let's make our world a little greener, one garden at a time.

Happy gardening,


What am I Growing?

Welcome to my little slice of green paradise! As each seed turns into a sprout and every sprout into a flourish of leaves and blooms, I'm documenting the journey of every plant in our in my home garden. From the sun-kissed tomatoes that paint our patches red to the fragrant herbs that season our meals, each plant has a story waiting to be told. Click on the posts below to uncover the secrets of our soil, the tales of resilience, growth, and the beauty of nature's bounty. 

Dive into the journey of each fruit, vegetable, and flower I'm nurturing, and maybe find the inspiration to start a green adventure of your own.

Green Onions - from the grocery store scraps

Celery - from the grocery store scraps

Got Gardening Tips for Me?

I would love to hear from you! Be sure to drop in a comment or two to share what has worked, or didn't for the different plants in its post, so we can all grow together!

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