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Day 127: Trial and Error for Sleep Rituals

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Today, I am tired. That extra cup of herbal tea before bed, part of my sleep ritual, backfired as I was up multiple times to use the bathroom. Oh, well, that's okay because this habit is all about the trial to find what a good sleep ritual is.

A cozy bedroom scene features a woman getting ready for bed, sitting on the edge of a neatly made bed with soft, inviting bedding. On the bedside table next to her is a steaming cup of herbal tea. The room is softly lit with warm, ambient lighting. The woman, dressed in comfortable pajamas, is either brushing her hair or applying night cream. The decor is simple and calming, including a small plant and floral accents, creating a serene and relaxing atmosphere.

There was a live session all about this habit that I wanted to go to but I ended up missing due to work. I am looking forward to the recording link from the coaches on Friday for it because I really want to keep getting good sleep and I'm sure there were a lot of positive tips and discussion as there always is on those sessions.

What's So Great About Sleep?

Sleep restores everything in our bodies: our immune, nervous, skeletal, hormonal, and muscular systems. It helps regulate our metabolism, including blood sugar and insulin levels. Without adequate sleep, we can gain fat and develop diabetes. Sleep also aids in memory formation and recall, and helps us think, learn, and make better decisions.

Most people need at least 7 hours of sleep per night, often more. Before starting PN I was not getting even close to that -  usually around 5 hours and my Fitbit wasn't impressed when it gave me scores. Now, I am happy to say that most nights I am getting closer to 7 hours sleep and that is amazing. I don't feel as tired during the day, I am sure that's what is helping with my moods too.

Light: Making Our Body Clocks Tick

Our circadian rhythm is heavily influenced by light exposure. Daytime light is beneficial as it wakes us up and regulates us. However, nighttime light can disrupt our body clock, making it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep. Some tips they included to help with less light to sleep turn off electronic screens before bed; use a dim alarm clock or cover it up; get good curtains to block out light. I turned my clock so that it isn't facing the bed now and have my phone upside down and use the sleep mode as well on it so that it isn't lighting up. I am looking for some better blackout curtains for my room as well because I think that will help the dog stay sleeping longer.

More Sleep, Better Health

Sleep regulates our metabolism and keeps us lean and healthy. Lack of sleep can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. A 2005 study found that less sleep correlated with more weight gain and higher chances of obesity. Check that box for me. I have no doubt that my lack of sleep has helped me gain more weight - partially because when I was tired before I would pop over to Starbucks and get a white mocha and a baked good in the afternoon most days for an energy boost. 

The also shared that getting more sleep also improves habit consistency, reduces late-night snacking, and leads to smarter food choices the next day. Well-rested individuals generally feel happier and mentally balanced. I have to say that this is true, I rarely have a before bed snack these days and I am 100% feeling happier and less stressed.

Give Sleep a Chance

Message from today's lesson - we need good, regular sleep and a solid sleep routine. While modern life offers many distractions, we can still prioritize sleep by choosing our activities wisely. Even if you're dealing with sleep challenges like a new baby or sleep apnea, focus on controlling your behaviors to improve sleep quality.

Active Recovery

Today was an active recovery day. I took the dog to the lake, and we managed a long walk before encountering any other dogs, which was surprising given the beautiful weather I was happy to see that most of the minutes on that walk were back to my cardio zone on my Fitbit vs the half that are normally there as we navigate through pausing and moving off the path when it is busy.

Reflecting on today's experiences, it's clear that making small adjustments can significantly impact sleep quality. I'm committed to refining my sleep rituals to improve overall well-being.


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