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Day 119: Reflecting on Food Journaling and Embracing New Workout Phase

A vibrant sign that says 'Happy Victoria Day' with a stunning display of fireworks in the background. The text is bold and festive, adorned with sparkles and bright colors. The fireworks are colorful and dazzling, illuminating the night sky and creating an exciting and joyful atmosphere. The overall scene is celebratory and lively, perfect for the occasion.

Hey everyone! Happy Victoria Day!

Today’s lesson was filled with reflection questions to help us engage deeply with our food journaling and overall progress. They focused on how food journaling might feel obsessive, but it's a powerful tool for gaining self-awareness. Here are some questions they are having us think about.

How does recording my intake affect my behavior? I am mindful that I want to take photos of not only my before eating meal but after as well when I am eating to satiation and I have been having quite a few of those this week! Am I noticing any changes in my eating patterns? I am definitely more aware of eating slowly and drinking between bites and have had to refill my water a couple of times this past week.

They reminded us that the food journal is not about judging myself as "good" or "bad" but gathering data and evidence to inform future decisions. We are doing an experiment which is no different than the previous habits we have focused on and I'm trying to keep thinking Treat the food journal like a scientific experiment. Gather data, analyze it, and draw conclusions to understand what works and what doesn’t.

Reflective Questions

What’s Working Well?

I am mostly eating when hungry, sometimes this means that I am not having meals at the same time as even a week ago as I want this to be something that I can trust. Of course, family meals are the exception.Where am I successful in my food and exercise choices? Consistently working out and active recovery days are where I am most successful Food choices, they are improving and I find myself enjoying the process of ensuring that I have more fruits and veggies every day. My mum came back from a trip and she mentioned that her friend she was staying with was on Aktins and there was no fruit in her house at all. It took me back to when I was on a diet that was in a doctor clinic where they had me count out strawberries and remove me from eating them on days that my weight wasn't dropping fast enough. 

What improvements am I noticing in my habits? I can say that I am doing much better experimenting with new foods - they are not always something that I would have again, but I am trying. I am noticing that I have physical hunger signs and eating when they appear.

How closely and consistently am I following the PN Coaching plan? Am I doing my workouts, habits, and lessons every day? I am doing the lessons and the workouts every day as per the program. I am aiming to match the PN plates as much as possible and using my hands as measurements has been so helpful. 

Tracking Consistency

This lesson reminded us that the more consistently we follow the PN Coaching program, the better our results will be. Using a simple “Yes/No” system or a spreadsheet to track habit adherence can help and I have set one up using their suggestion of what to track:

Eating slowly and mindfully.

Eating to satisfied.

Including lean protein and veggies/fruit in each meal.

Eating high-quality, slow-digesting carbs and healthy fats.

New Workout Phase

Today marked the start of a new workout phase, which I’m calling phase three. This phase introduced the use of a barbell for the first time for sumo deadlifts, adding a new element to my exercises. The rest of the workout included bodyweight exercises and resistance bands. I’m excited to see how the new workouts progress and appreciate the gradual build-up in intensity.

Victoria Day and Fireworks

Last night was another challenging night with fireworks for Victoria Day. Both my dog and I struggled with the noise, making it difficult to sleep. I’m really hoping tonight will be quieter so we can get some much-needed rest.

Looking Ahead

This week, I’ll continue recording my food intake with photos, use the spreadsheet for the yes/no prompts and  continue assessing how closely my meals align with PN Coaching habits. Small, consistent improvements are key, and I’m focused on making each day a little bit better and I am still excited about the 51 cm of reduced size already!


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