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Day 116: Friday Bonuses, Personal Feedback, and Tracking Food Habits

A woman is driving an SUV in rush hour traffic. She looks focused and slightly stressed as she navigates through a busy highway filled with various vehicles, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles. The woman is gripping the steering wheel with both hands, and her facial expression shows determination. The SUV's interior is modern, with visible elements like the dashboard and rearview mirror. The cityscape outside the windows includes tall buildings and streetlights, creating an urban setting during a typical rush hour.

Hi again and welcome to my blog! Fridays are always a bonus in the PN program because we get our regular lessons, plus messages and recipes from the coaches. Today, I also received personal feedback and encouragement from one of my coaches, which is always a great boost.

Recipe from the Coaches

31 High-Protein Dinners That Taste Great and Keep You Full from Self

Insights from Food Tracking

Today's lesson focused on reflecting on the past few days of food tracking and the valuable insights it provides. Here are some key takeaways:

Identify Gaps in Nutrition: For me I am noticing a lack of fruits this week when I look at the photos and so I am planning to incorporate them more consistently.

Recognize Patterns: Observing how certain foods impact energy levels and cravings, such as feeling low-blood-sugary after eating specific items. I am finding that I am not having that mid afternoon crash that I used to have on days where I have had a PN plate for breakfast and lunch. 

Emotional Triggers: Understanding how emotions influence eating habits, like stress leading to missed meals or unhealthy food choices. I noticed that after an argument the other day that I ended eating more quickly for the rest of the day and having a bedtime snack which I haven't had in a few weeks.

Tracking Additional Details

Along with recording the specifics of what, how much, and when you eat, it's also helpful to note how you feel before, during, and after meals. Where you are eating. Who you are eating with. This is what we talked about in a previous live session with one of the coaches and I find that it is really helpful for me to notice the people around me before/during/after meals. The reason they recommend tracking these kinds of details can help identify triggers that lead to overeating, missed meals, or positive eating behaviors.

Questions to ask yourself  before your meal: Am I stressed, happy, rushed, or sad? What foods will help me reach my goals?

Questions to ask yourself during your meal: Am I happy with what I ordered or prepared? Does this food add value to my body and taste good? Am I taking my time to enjoy it?

Questions to ask yourself after your meal: How was my eating experience? Am I happy with my food decision? How do I feel physically?

These types of questions have been talked about by a few of the coaches and for me it has changed how I am viewing food. Before I didn't really think about it, just ate mindlessly, more frequently and without specific purpose for things like my own goals.

Today's Workout

Today was a workout day, and the Friday workout remains my favorite this phase. I'm realizing that I enjoy this workout the most because it really engages all the muscles in my abdominal area, giving me a satisfying feeling of progress.

Early Start and Mindful Brunch

My day started early, with a drive into the city by 6:30 AM. This meant eating out for brunch, where I focused on eating slowly and enjoying the experience without worrying about cooking. Normally I would go through the drive thru on the way to an appointment in the city this early but I wasn't hungry so didn't bother stopping and I ended up eating brunch when I was hungry instead.

Looking Ahead to the Weekend

Weekends can be tricky for maintaining healthy eating habits, so I'll be sure to to continue recording my food decisions and experiences. By staying mindful and consistent, I can make the most of the weekend while sticking to my goals.


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