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Showing posts from February, 2024

Day 39: Early Starts, Hunger Insights, and Community Connections

I hope like I do when reading other people's stories, my is helping you to re-engage with your wellness practices as well! Embracing the Quiet of Early Morning Today's active recovery began unexpectedly early, with my dog's restlessness prompting an impromptu neighborhood walk before the rest of the house stirred. This serene start to the day, embraced by the calm of early morning, set a peaceful tone. Later, an afternoon visit to the lake with my son offered a second dose of outdoor tranquility, proving that sometimes, the best plans are the ones we don't make. Active recovery strategies for a modern lifestyle—dive in Understanding Hunger as a Non-Emergency Today's lesson, "Hunger is not an Emergency," challenged common perceptions about hunger and its physiological effects. Learning about the adrenaline release associated with dropping blood sugar levels was eye-opening, particularly the fight-or-flight response it triggers, often mistaken for panic. Thi

Day 38: Navigating Fears and Embracing New Habits

Welcome back to my moments of committing and exploring holistic health. Commiting to Me! In one's journey towards better health and wellness, it's not uncommon for the shadows of past 'failures' to loom over us, casting a veil of self-doubt on our current efforts. But it's time to reframe these moments not as failures, but as powerful evidence of our commitment to ourselves.  Our coaches remind us that when these memories resurface, bringing with them feelings of doubt, it's actually a sign of something profoundly positive: We care about ourselves.  Each time we've stumbled, each moment we've felt we didn't meet our expectations, it was because we were trying, because we were striving for something better. Let's embrace this realization as a source of strength. Our past attempts, regardless of their outcomes, are a testament to our enduring care for our own well-being. This care is the fuel for our journey forward, transforming self-doubt into a

Day 37: Active Recovery and Confronting Comfort Zones

Hi again, I hope that reading my posts is helping to rekindle your passion for holistic wellness! Embracing Active Recovery with Nature's Company Today's active recovery was yet another delightful visit to the lake, accompanied by my dog and son under the warm embrace of the sun. This routine, which might seem like a simple daily walk, has become a cornerstone of my active recovery strategy. Despite the occasional feeling that I might be "cheating" by counting these walks as part of my program, the explicit endorsement of such activities as active recovery within the Precision Nutrition course validates my choice. The additional walks in the rain and after dinner further underscore my commitment to maintaining this healthy habit, a practice I've been rebuilding since the summer. Active recovery, bridging the gap between rest and working out. Navigating the Complexities of Comfort Zones Today's lesson in the Precision Nutrition program ventured deeper into the

Day 36: Embracing Challenges and Reflecting on Growth

Welcome back to my daily blog as I focus on holistic living! Continuing the Journey with Guided Meditation Walks Today's workout session was another guided meditation walk, which I chose to do on my treadmill at home. This setting allows me to fully immerse myself in the guidance provided, focusing deeply on the words and their meaning without external distractions.  Despite this indoor meditation practice, I still ensure that my dog and I spend plenty of time outdoors, enjoying multiple walks throughout the day. This balance between focused indoor activity and the freedom of outdoor walks enriches my daily routine with variety and mindfulness. Learning to Embrace Discomfort The day's lesson delved into the concept of embracing discomfort, a theme that resonates deeply as we navigate the journey of changing habits and overcoming challenges. The program encouraged us to reflect on past experiences where we faced and overcame obstacles, highlighting the growth and resilience that

Meditation as the Foundation for a Surprising Path to Holistic Health and Weight Loss

When Precision Nutrition assigned meditation as my first "workout," I'll admit, I was a little taken aback. Exercise, to me, had always meant physical exertion—weights, classes, treadmills, the kind of activity that leaves you breathless and sweating. Meditation, though? That was uncharted territory, a venture into the quiet. Yet, as I delved into the why behind this seemingly unconventional start, a lightbulb went off. The benefits of meditation—stress reduction, enhanced mindfulness, improved digestion and metabolism, better sleep quality, and even aid in weight management—began to paint a clear picture and I have told everyone that this was definitely the best way to start my program.  This journey of discovery transformed my perspective and inspired me to research a bit and then write about my findings. So, let's take a more friendly and conversational stroll through the multifaceted world of meditation and its surprisingly profound impact on holistic health, incl

Day 35: Mindful Eating Reflections and Active Recovery at the Lake

Deepening the Practice of Eating Until Satisfied Today's lesson invited us to reflect on our experiences with the habit of eating until satisfied, encouraging us to assess the past week's journey and plan for the week ahead. The emotional eating worksheets have been particularly revelatory for me, providing a tangible tool to confront and understand my eating habits. While I hope their necessity diminishes over time, their value in the present is undeniable, offering a structured approach to dissecting the emotional underpinnings of my eating behaviors. A Peaceful Morning by the Lake Our active recovery day was graced with another visit to the lake, a setting that continues to offer solace and rejuvenation. Accompanied by my dog and son, we delighted in the sight of ducks and the gentle buzz of fellow nature enthusiasts, albeit adjusting our path to maintain a peaceful distance from other dogs. The warmer weather brought out more people, yet it did nothing to diminish the tranq

Day 34: Measurement Insights and a Serene Active Recovery

Thanks for joining me on my holistic health path today! Reflecting on Progress: Measurement Day Today's journey began with the ritual of measurement day, offering a tangible glimpse into the progress made over the past weeks. Opting for a comprehensive approach, I included photos and girth measurements alongside the traditional scale into my profile. The scale revealing a loss of 5.5 lbs since the initial weigh-in and a total reduction of 7.7 cm across various body measurements.  The decision to track additional indicators, such as the fit of my rings and improvements in sleep quality, adds depth to my understanding of progress, extending beyond mere numbers to encompass overall well-being. I am so glad that these are an important part of measuring success in the program. Honestly I hate the scale not because of my personal number but because of my past experiences with diet clinics where I was weighed three times a week and then micromanaged on my diet for months. The Challenge of

Day 33: Mindful Movements and Confronting Emotional Eating

Welcome back to my daily dose of wellness journal! Embracing Guided Walking Meditation Today's workout, a 10-minute guided walking meditation on my treadmill, provided a focused start to the day. The bustling nature of my neighborhood makes solitary outdoor walks a rarity, making this treadmill meditation an ideal alternative. While different from traditional seated meditation, this practice still centers on breath and self-connection, reinforcing the versatility of mindfulness practices. It has also prompted me to find more options for guided meditation that I can do seated as well. Unraveling Emotional Eating Patterns The day's lesson delved into the complex web of emotional eating, challenging us to trace our actions back to their emotional roots. The provided worksheets serve as a valuable tool in this introspective journey, helping to identify and understand the patterns that lead to eating as a coping mechanism.  After listening to the lesson and the comments from the gro

Day 32: A Day of Active Recovery and Mindful Eating Insights

It’s great to see you back my friends! A Quadruple Dose of Active Recovery Today was an exemplar of active recovery, starting with an early morning walk with my dog, setting a peaceful tone for the day. The momentum continued with a mid-morning stroll to the lake with my son, followed by a leisurely walk around the train station, and culminating in our customary post-dinner walk. Four walks in a single day not only underscored the essence of active recovery but also highlighted the joy and tranquility found in simple, consistent movement. From theory to practice, implementing active recovery effectively. Delving into the Timing of Eating Today's lesson expanded our exploration of mindful eating by focusing on the timing of our meals. It encouraged a distinction between the body's genuine hunger signals and the habitual or social cues that often dictate when we eat. The lesson prompted reflection on the differences between needing to eat (physical hunger), wanting to eat (emotio

Day 31: Mindful Movements and Navigating Hunger Cues

Welcome back to my wellness jourey! Guided Meditation Walk: A Journey of Focus Today's workout was a continuation of the guided meditation walks, which I've come to deeply appreciate for their ability to blend physical activity with mindfulness. Opting to use the treadmill after returning from the lake allowed me to immerse fully in the experience without distractions, ensuring that I could truly connect with the guidance and introspect on the journey. I am grateful that I have this in my home gym, I'm not sure how I would do this at a regular gym, even with a treadmill? Delving Deeper into Eating Until Satisfied The day's lesson expanded on the current habit of eating until satisfied, introducing the practice of rating our hunger to better gauge when to eat. I've recognized the importance of a morning meal to prevent becoming overly hungry throughout the entire, which can lead to less mindful eating choices. This adjustment is a testament to the program's empha

Day 30: Deepening Understanding and Navigating Emotional Eating

Hello again, explorers of holistic eating and wellness! Delving into the Habit of Eating Until Satisfied Today's lesson further explored the habit of eating until satisfied, posing two introspective questions: What does my body feel like when it's hungry, and what does it feel like when I'm not hungry? Identifying hunger cues like an empty stomach, irritability, and lack of focus seemed straightforward, yet pinpointing the absence of hunger proved more complex. The nuances of physical and emotional signals intertwined with hunger are intriguing, and after reading through the lesson this morning, and as I was reading through the lesson, it made me realize how eager I was for the upcoming live Zoom session to delve deeper into this topic. A Vulnerable Journey Through Emotional Eating The live Zoom session on emotional eating was both enlightening and emotional. The provided worksheets and extensive lists of emotion words aimed to help us articulate and understand our feelings

Day 29: Embracing New Habits and Exploring Mindful Movement

Introducing a New Habit: Eating Until Satisfied Today marks the beginning of a new habit in the program: eating until satisfied, a concept for me that feels more challenging to me than eating slowly. While I've grown to appreciate the practice of slowing down and savoring my meals, the idea of recognizing when I'm satisfied rather than full adds a new layer of mindfulness to my eating habits. Thankfully, the program offers practical tips to gauge satisfaction levels, encouraging a deeper connection with my body's signals.  I'm intrigued by the suggestion to start with smaller portions and the challenge of leaving food on my plate, a notion that contradicts the "clean your plate" mentality many of us grew up with. This habit encourages a shift from quantity to quality, focusing on the experience of eating rather than the amount consumed. A New Phase in Workouts: Walking Guided Meditation This week also introduces a new phase in the workout regimen: walking guid

Day 28: Braving the Wind and Learning Self-Compassion

Thanks for reading my commitment to wellness online journal! A Windy Walk at the Lake Today's active recovery took us back to the lake, where the wind added an extra challenge to our walk. Despite the brisk pace it enforced, the wind also brought an unexpected benefit: 25 minutes of zone minutes on my Fitbit, a surprising achievement for a 30-minute outing. It's moments like these that remind me of the unexpected ways we can meet our fitness goals with NEAT, even on days meant for lighter activity. Why active recovery could be the game-changer you need. The Challenge of Being Your Own Best Friend Today's lesson on being your own best friend resonated deeply, highlighting a concept that's simple in theory but complex in practice. The idea of treating oneself with the same kindness and understanding we'd offer a best friend is a powerful one, yet it's a struggle I face daily. Years of putting myself last have built up a reservoir of resentment, which often manifes

Day 27: Braving the Cold and Envisioning the Future

A Chilly Start to the Day Today's active recovery day took us back to the familiar yet frosty surroundings of the lake, with temperatures dipping to -15°C. Despite bundling up, the biting wind made our 20-minute walk more challenging than usual. The vast openness of the lake's paths and parks, usually a source of tranquility, today amplified the cold. To compensate for the lack of zone minutes on my Fibtbit, I added a 25-minute rowing session on my Bowflex Revolution in the afternoon, following a snow shoveling session under the watchful eye of my dog. Our day concluded with another walk after dinner, maintaining our routine despite the cold. Active recovery decoded and why you need it. Looking Ahead: The Maintenance Phase Today's lesson shifted our focus to the future, specifically the maintenance phase post-program. It outlined the gradual build-up of habits that will eventually become second nature, requiring no conscious effort to maintain. The lesson encouraged us to e

Day 26: Navigating the Journey with Mindfulness and Planning

Welcome back to my journey for better health! A Peaceful Start: Meditation and Walks Today's routine of guided meditation followed by a walk with my dog has become a my favourite part of my day. The meditation sessions provide a moment of tranquility and focus, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Meanwhile, the walks not only offer physical benefits but also strengthen the bond between my dog and me, making each step a joyous one. I find that I am also calmer when she has a reactive moment which seem to be less frequent and shorter in nature when they do occur.  Embrace Holistic Living with the Power of Meditation. Envisioning the Destination The day's lesson delved into the concept of envisioning our destination within the program and the importance of planning and adaptability in reaching our goals. It likened our journey to a road trip, where the final destination is clear, but the path may require adjustments and detours with weather, road work, accidents, car proble

Day 25: Beyond the Scale - New Metrics for Success

Thanks for joining my journey towards a healthier me! Embracing Alternative Success Indicators Today's lesson opened up a refreshing perspective on measuring success, steering us away from conventional metrics like the scale and tape measure.  It included a compelling video featuring a past participant of the PN program which highlighted the profound impact of recognizing and altering emotional eating patterns. Her journey from stress-induced chocolate cravings to mindful awareness struck a chord with me, echoing my own struggles with emotional eating and chocolate! It's empowering to envision a future where stress doesn't dictate my food choices. Each one of these personal videos is unique and I wish that there were more of them. Defining Personal Success The lesson also prompted us to contemplate our own markers of success, encouraging a deeper, more personal reflection. For me, success looks like effortlessly hiking through the forest without gasping for breath, managing

Day 24: Valentine's Reflections and Embracing Every Moment

Welcome back, followers of well-being! A Surprising Lesson on Binge Eating Valentine's Day brought with it an unexpected lesson from the program, focusing on the concept of binge eating. The lesson didn't delve into definitions but rather suggested an intriguing approach: if binge eating occurs, do it slowly and without any guilt. For those who don't experience binge eating, the guidance was to maintain the practice of eating slowly throughout the day. This perspective offers a unique lens on mindfulness and self-compassion, encouraging us to be present and intentional with our eating habits, regardless of the situation. The Continual Growth Through Meditation Today's workout seamlessly blended meditation with walking, a combination that has become a cherished part of my routine. The guided meditations, each building upon the last one, have become a source of solace and anticipation. Their evolving nature keeps me engaged and hopeful that they'll remain a cornerston

Day 23: The Power of Pause and Reflection

Thanks for coming to see how I am continuing to embrace my wellness journey once again! The Practice of Notice and Naming Today's lesson introduced a profound yet simple concept: notice and naming. This technique serves as a mindful pause, a moment to reflect on the present and discern whether our actions are habitual or intentional. It's particularly resonant when applied to eating, transforming what could be a mindless act into an opportunity for awareness and enjoyment. The practice of checking in with the sensations and flavors of the food in our mouths, and dedicating a few extra chews to that moment, enriches the experience and fosters a deeper connection with our meals. This concept is also something that has been part of my guided meditation sessions which helps to show how intertwined the entire program really is.  Active Recovery and Canine Challenges My active recovery day led us back to the lake, a familiar setting that never ceases to offer new experiences. Despite

Day 22: Unplanned Wins and Deepening Insights

Thanks for coming by to share in my quest for health! A Shift in Plans Leads to an Unexpected Victory Today's workout, intertwined with guided meditation and a brisk walk, took an unexpected turn. My initial plan to meditate by the lake was thwarted by my eager dog who for once didn't stop and sniff every few feet as we went along, leading to an impromptu 29-minute cardio session during our 40-minute walk—a serendipitous outcome that surpassed my expectations.  The meditation, which I later conducted at home, revealed a surprise requirement to remove my shoes, an aspect that wouldn't have aligned with my original lakeside setting. This twist of fate underscored the notion that sometimes, things unfold exactly as they should. Unlock a Healthier You: The Holistic Benefits of Meditation! Reflecting on Objectives and Behaviors The day's lesson delved into the distinction between objectives and behaviors, emphasizing the power we hold over our actions rather than the outcome

Day 21: Mindful Adjustments and Active Recovery

Thanks for visiting today! Be sure to take the time to embrace your wellness journey ! Reflecting on Three Weeks of Transformation It's hard to believe that three weeks have flown by since embarking on this journey of small, yet significant changes. Today's lesson served as a gentle nudge to revisit any missed content and to strategize for the upcoming week. An insightful infographic on mindful eating was shared, reinforcing the importance of savoring each meal slowly, a practice that's becoming a cornerstone of my daily routine.  Navigating the World of Super Shakes The Facebook group discussions have been particularly enlightening, with many participants experimenting with super shakes as meal replacements. Concerns about hunger between meals led to a creative suggestion from my end: splitting the shake into two servings to enjoy as a breakfast and a mid-morning snack. This approach sparked a realization that the program might advocate for fewer meals than I initially ass