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Day 38: Navigating Fears and Embracing New Habits

A portrait of a Rottweiler sitting by a tranquil lake at dusk, its leash leading off-frame, suggesting the presence of an unseen companion. The dog's glossy black and tan coat contrasts beautifully with the soft, natural light. In the background, a group of ducks floats peacefully on the water's surface, adding to the serene outdoor scene. The dog's attentive gaze and calm demeanor reflect a moment of quiet companionship and harmony with nature.

Welcome back to my moments of committing and exploring holistic health.

Commiting to Me!

In one's journey towards better health and wellness, it's not uncommon for the shadows of past 'failures' to loom over us, casting a veil of self-doubt on our current efforts. But it's time to reframe these moments not as failures, but as powerful evidence of our commitment to ourselves. 

Our coaches remind us that when these memories resurface, bringing with them feelings of doubt, it's actually a sign of something profoundly positive: We care about ourselves. Each time we've stumbled, each moment we've felt we didn't meet our expectations, it was because we were trying, because we were striving for something better. Let's embrace this realization as a source of strength. Our past attempts, regardless of their outcomes, are a testament to our enduring care for our own well-being. This care is the fuel for our journey forward, transforming self-doubt into a renewed commitment to our health and happiness."

Dedicated to Mindful Movement

Today's workout continued with the guided meditative walks on my treadmill, a practice that has become a cherished part of my routine. This focused time allows me to connect with myself on a deeper level, undistracted by the external environment or the needs of my dog. Despite this inward focus, I still ensure that my dog and son get to enjoy our regular walks by the lake and around the neighbourhood, blending the benefits of solitary meditation with the joys of shared outdoor activities.

A Morning Challenge with Ducks

This morning's walk by the lake presented an unexpected challenge as my dog became unusually interested in getting close to the ducks that were swimming around. She's over 90bls so managing her excitement as she continuously pulled towards them, while ensuring the safety and enjoyment of our walk was a minor hurdle. As soon as we got to the edge of the lake, the ducks all started flying away - she wasn't barking or growling but was stunned and stood there and stared for at least 2 minutes trying to figure out what happened to them. My son and I burst out laughing at her confusion, adding a bit of unpredictability and humor to our day. 

Confronting Fears with Precision Nutrition

Today's lesson delved into the topic of fears, particularly how they can hinder our progress and prevent us from taking action. For me, the fear isn't so much about whether I can lose weight during the program but about maintaining those changes afterward. I have done some past structured diets programs and lost weight but as soon as the program was finished the maintenance phase (I understand now that wasn't a real phase), the weight came back on. Recognizing this fear has been crucial in taking proactive steps towards sustainable habits, such as reducing my intake of sweetened drinks.

A Small Step Towards a Bigger Goal

The decision to cut down on sweetened iced tea, a previous staple of my daily routine, marks a significant step towards healthier habits. Starting at the beginning of the year, I decided to start reducing my consumption to just one sweetened drink a day has been a victory, with the ultimate goal of eliminating them entirely. I did this over a few weeks as that was really the only thing I was drinking aside from a mocha from Starbucks. I have been experimenting with various tea flavors and natural alternatives has been an enjoyable process, making this transition somewhat manageable. I'm in search of a unsweetened tea mix now as well for cold drinks.

Tracking Progress with Tangible Metrics

My Fitbit has been an invaluable tool in tracking my progress, offering tangible evidence of improvement in both my active zone minutes and sleep quality. These metrics provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation, reinforcing the positive changes I've made since starting the program. It is interesting to me that we haven't talked about devices like this yet, I'm sure they will come up at some point in the program.

Reflecting on Eating Habits

The practices of eating slowly, recognizing true hunger, and stopping when satisfied are becoming more integrated into my daily life. While eating until satisfied remains a work in progress, I'm noticing some gradual improvements and becoming more attuned to my body's signals. The journey towards mindful eating is ongoing, with each day bringing new insights and opportunities for growth and I am well aware that this is going to take me a long time to trust what my body tells me.

Looking Ahead with Optimism

As I reflect on today's experiences and lessons, I'm reminded of the power of facing our fears and the importance of small, consistent steps towards our goals. The journey with Precision Nutrition is not just about the changes we see during the program but about laying the foundation for a healthier, more mindful future. With each day, I'm learning, growing, and moving closer to a lifestyle that reflects my values and aspirations and am hopeful that each one of the habits we are working on becomes something that is just routine.


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