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Day 30: Deepening Understanding and Navigating Emotional Eating

A virtual meeting screen filled with diverse individuals, each in their own square, represents a webinar or group discussion on 'Emotional Eating.' The central figure, a woman who appears to be the host or speaker, is poised with a slight smile. Around her are participants with various expressions, some with food items, suggesting engagement with the topic. The interface includes typical call icons for a video conference, enhancing the realism of this online gathering. It's a snapshot of modern collective learning and support in addressing eating behaviors.

Hello again, explorers of holistic eating and wellness!

Delving into the Habit of Eating Until Satisfied

Today's lesson further explored the habit of eating until satisfied, posing two introspective questions: What does my body feel like when it's hungry, and what does it feel like when I'm not hungry? Identifying hunger cues like an empty stomach, irritability, and lack of focus seemed straightforward, yet pinpointing the absence of hunger proved more complex. The nuances of physical and emotional signals intertwined with hunger are intriguing, and after reading through the lesson this morning, and as I was reading through the lesson, it made me realize how eager I was for the upcoming live Zoom session to delve deeper into this topic.

A Vulnerable Journey Through Emotional Eating

The live Zoom session on emotional eating was both enlightening and emotional. The provided worksheets and extensive lists of emotion words aimed to help us articulate and understand our feelings more precisely. The exercise of reflecting on a recent instance of emotional eating was unexpectedly cathartic, revealing layers of emotions I hadn't fully acknowledged. I had a good cry this afternoon when I had an extra moment to focus on what I had written down on the worksheets. 

The communal sharing of experiences and strategies was a source of comfort, highlighting the common struggles many of us face with food and emotions. This session underscored the complexity of emotional eating and the importance of a supportive community in navigating these challenges. One of the things that helped me was that we are not expected to master knowing when we are hungry or full, it takes time to change ourselves and trust our bodies. As this program feels similar to an online education course, part of me wants to do it all right now, the first day or get it perfect by the end. I'm not perfect, it will take time, and that is okay (thanks internal best friend).

Active Recovery and Mindful Choices

Today's active recovery involved a morning walk at the lake with our dog, a routine that has become a cherished part of my day. The decision to have breakfast at home before the walk marked a small but significant shift in my habits, steering away from the convenience of drive-thru meals. Still, on th way home, opting for a mocha to ward off the chill was a mindful choice, reflecting my growing awareness of my consumption patterns - I got a medium instead of my normal large. This moment of reflection on my beverage choice highlighted the incremental changes in my behavior and mindset.

Step up your recovery game—discover active recovery strategies.

Reflections on the Day

Day 30 brought a mix of introspection, vulnerability, and mindful decision-making. The journey through understanding hunger and satisfaction, coupled with the deep dive into emotional eating, has opened up new avenues of self-awareness. Today's experiences, from the emotional revelations in the Zoom session to the conscious choices around food and drink, underscore the complexity of our relationship with food. 

As I continue on this path, I'm learning to navigate the intricate interplay of emotions, habits, and choices that shape my journey toward wellness.


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