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Day 31: Mindful Movements and Navigating Hunger Cues

In a sun-drenched home interior, a woman is jogging on a treadmill, her form reflected in the machine's display. An attentive cat sits on the end of the treadmill, watching her. The warm sunlight filters through the windows, casting a cozy and motivating atmosphere for the indoor workout. The room is neatly arranged with houseplants and comfortable furnishings, creating an environment that is both energizing and peaceful, ideal for maintaining fitness at home.

Welcome back to my wellness jourey!

Guided Meditation Walk: A Journey of Focus

Today's workout was a continuation of the guided meditation walks, which I've come to deeply appreciate for their ability to blend physical activity with mindfulness. Opting to use the treadmill after returning from the lake allowed me to immerse fully in the experience without distractions, ensuring that I could truly connect with the guidance and introspect on the journey. I am grateful that I have this in my home gym, I'm not sure how I would do this at a regular gym, even with a treadmill?

Delving Deeper into Eating Until Satisfied

The day's lesson expanded on the current habit of eating until satisfied, introducing the practice of rating our hunger to better gauge when to eat. I've recognized the importance of a morning meal to prevent becoming overly hungry throughout the entire, which can lead to less mindful eating choices. This adjustment is a testament to the program's emphasis on listening to and understanding our body's signals. I am still not 100% sure when I am satisfied when eating and I'm okay with that so to help I am choosing to have smaller portions, eating slowly of course and then go back for more if I am hungry still. I haven't gone back yet which is quite shocking and makes me realize how out of touch I have been when it comes to how hungry I have been in the past.

Insights and Strategies from the Community

The Facebook group has been a treasure trove of shared experiences and strategies, particularly around the concept of identifying and scaling hunger. Members have discussed various hunger cues, such as sudden drops in energy or increased difficulty concentrating, which go beyond the traditional stomach growls. The practice of asking oneself, "Am I still hungry?" mid-meal encourages an even deeper level of engagement with our food and our bodies' needs. I really appreciate how the group is open to sharing what works to bring the lessons more depth and things for me to think about. 

Uncommon Hunger Cues to Consider

We learned that in addition to the more recognized signs of hunger, there are several uncommon cues that can also indicate it's time to eat. These can include:

Mood Changes: Irritability or mood swings, often referred to as being "hangry," can be a sign your body needs fuel.

Difficulty Making Decisions: When you're hungry, the brain may have a harder time processing information, leading to indecisiveness.

Headaches or Light-headedness: A lack of nutrients can sometimes result in a headache or a feeling of light-headedness, signaling it's time to eat.

Thirst: Sometimes, our bodies can confuse signals for hunger and thirst. Feeling unusually thirsty can sometimes also mean you're actually hungry.

Lack of Focus: If you find your mind wandering and you're unable to concentrate on the task at hand, it might be a cue that you need to eat.

The 9 Type of Hunger explained here!

Reflections on the Day

Today's blend of physical and mental wellness practices, coupled with the community's shared insights, has enriched my understanding of mindful eating. The nuanced approach to recognizing hunger, from the physical to the psychological cues, underscores the complexity of our relationship with food. As I continue to explore these practices, I'm learning to tune into my body's signals more keenly, making each meal an opportunity for mindfulness and satisfaction.


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