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Day 28: Braving the Wind and Learning Self-Compassion

A woman sits peacefully at a wooden table, gazing down at a colorful bowl of fresh salad she's about to enjoy. She holds a fork delicately in her hand, poised to take a bite. The room is bathed in soft, warm light that streams in through a nearby window, adding to the calm and inviting ambiance. On the table, a glass of water reflects the light, and a ripe apple adds to the wholesome setting of her meal, underscoring a commitment to healthful living.
Thanks for reading my commitment to wellness online journal!

A Windy Walk at the Lake

Today's active recovery took us back to the lake, where the wind added an extra challenge to our walk. Despite the brisk pace it enforced, the wind also brought an unexpected benefit: 25 minutes of zone minutes on my Fitbit, a surprising achievement for a 30-minute outing. It's moments like these that remind me of the unexpected ways we can meet our fitness goals with NEAT, even on days meant for lighter activity.

Why active recovery could be the game-changer you need.

The Challenge of Being Your Own Best Friend

Today's lesson on being your own best friend resonated deeply, highlighting a concept that's simple in theory but complex in practice. The idea of treating oneself with the same kindness and understanding we'd offer a best friend is a powerful one, yet it's a struggle I face daily. Years of putting myself last have built up a reservoir of resentment, which often manifests as anger and frustration. The surge of these emotions is a familiar trigger, leading to lashing out or turning to food for comfort. Neither response is constructive, and I'm keenly aware of the need for change. 

The suggestion from a fellow participant in the Facebook group to practice notice and naming emotions is a valuable tool, yet applying it in the heat of the moment remains a challenge for me. Meditation is something that is helping though and getting more sleep I wake up feeling refreshed instead of tired. Recognizing feelings like frustration or anger is one thing; managing not to let them dictate my actions is another but I am always aiming for 1% better there.

I really think that be your own best friend is the best phrase I have have heard to capture what self-compassion means to me. 

Navigating Emotions and Responses

The difficulty for me lies not in identifying emotions but in choosing how to respond to them. The instinct to yell or seek solace in food is a testament to long-standing habits that require conscious effort to alter. The path to becoming my own best friend is paved with such moments of recognition and the continuous effort to choose kindness—towards myself and others. One thing I have done is removed myself from as much outside drama as I can. I really am trying to focus on the positive emotions and there are certain people in my life that seem to have a cloud over them every time we talk that is easy to get sucked into. I can say that I feel like I am having less volatile moments lately, I hope that it continues.

Reflections on the Day

Today was a reminder of the dual nature of our journeys: the physical paths we walk and the internal ones we navigate in learning to treat ourselves with compassion. The wind at the lake, much like the challenges of self-kindness, pushed me to move faster and dig deeper. 

As I continue to work on being my own best friend, I'm learning that the journey is as much about managing my reactions to emotions as it is about recognizing them. Each step, each breath of cold, windy air, and each moment of frustration is an opportunity to practice kindness, patience, and understanding towards myself.


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