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Day 25: Beyond the Scale - New Metrics for Success

A woman in outdoor work attire is stacking chopped firewood in a rustic forest setting. She's wearing denim jeans, a fitted long-sleeve top, and sturdy brown boots, with protective gloves on her hands. In the background, a wooden cabin and dense pine trees are shrouded in a light mist, adding to the woodland atmosphere. The scene evokes a sense of self-sufficiency and the simplicity of cabin life.

Thanks for joining my journey towards a healthier me!

Embracing Alternative Success Indicators

Today's lesson opened up a refreshing perspective on measuring success, steering us away from conventional metrics like the scale and tape measure. 

It included a compelling video featuring a past participant of the PN program which highlighted the profound impact of recognizing and altering emotional eating patterns. Her journey from stress-induced chocolate cravings to mindful awareness struck a chord with me, echoing my own struggles with emotional eating and chocolate! It's empowering to envision a future where stress doesn't dictate my food choices. Each one of these personal videos is unique and I wish that there were more of them.

Defining Personal Success

The lesson also prompted us to contemplate our own markers of success, encouraging a deeper, more personal reflection. For me, success looks like effortlessly hiking through the forest without gasping for breath, managing stress without resorting to ultra-processed foods (UPF) as my default, and cultivating an overall sense of health and vitality. These goals paint a picture of success that resonates more deeply than any number on a scale ever could. Having these goals are also nothing like any other nutrition program I have tried before and every time something like this is mentioned in a lesson or talked about in a live session or on Facebook it reinforces my decision was the right one to join this program.

Celebrating Current Victories

Reflecting on the progress made so far, I'm heartened by the tangible changes in my habits and mindset. The reduction in my consumption of UPFs, an increased intake of fruits and vegetables, and the newfound ease in laughter and prioritizing my needs are milestones worth celebrating. These shifts, though seemingly small, are significant indicators of a deeper transformation that is happening in a pretty short period of time. I think the meditation and the slowing down my eating are the two things that are helping me the most so far in terms of reducing stress and less stress is really less emotional eating episodes and better sleep.

Active Recovery Amidst a Snowstorm

The day's active recovery was beautifully intertwined with the rhythm of nature, as a snowstorm transformed our routine walk into a serene, snowy adventure. The additional physical activities of moving firewood and shoveling snow not only contributed to my active recovery but also provided a moment of reflection on the day's lessons. The physical exertion, coupled with the tranquility of the snow-covered landscape, offered a perfect backdrop for contemplation. I like to think of NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) as wow that's neat that this is all helping me with my energy levels and exericse.

Unveil the benefits of active recovery—explore now.

Reflections on the Day

Today reinforced the importance of looking beyond traditional measures of progress and embracing a holistic view of success. The stories shared and the introspective prompts provided by the program have deepened my understanding of my own journey. As I navigate through this transformative process, I'm learning to appreciate the myriad ways in which we can measure success, finding joy in the journey and the small victories that signify profound personal growth.


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