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Day 21: Mindful Adjustments and Active Recovery

Square white bowl with red rim of Cool Ranch Doritos
Thanks for visiting today! Be sure to take the time to embrace your wellness journey!

Reflecting on Three Weeks of Transformation

It's hard to believe that three weeks have flown by since embarking on this journey of small, yet significant changes. Today's lesson served as a gentle nudge to revisit any missed content and to strategize for the upcoming week. An insightful infographic on mindful eating was shared, reinforcing the importance of savoring each meal slowly, a practice that's becoming a cornerstone of my daily routine. 

Navigating the World of Super Shakes

The Facebook group discussions have been particularly enlightening, with many participants experimenting with super shakes as meal replacements. Concerns about hunger between meals led to a creative suggestion from my end: splitting the shake into two servings to enjoy as a breakfast and a mid-morning snack. This approach sparked a realization that the program might advocate for fewer meals than I initially assumed. The integration of these shakes with the principle of eating slowly poses an interesting challenge, especially when considering the pace at which drinks are consumed, particularly through a straw. 

We haven't come to the section on shakes in our program, this is a cross-program group and aimed at the gaining muscle people so I will wait and see what they say when it is our focus before adding them as part of my normal routine. I really would like to have these as a backup to eating vs something that I do daily so we shall see how it comes.

 A Chilly Day at the Lake

Today's active recovery outing to the lake, accompanied by my son and dog, was met with unexpected crowds and off-leash dogs, cutting our visit short due to my dog's current condition. Despite the setback, we managed to enjoy a couple of shorter walks later in the day, making the best of the chilly weather and ensuring our daily dose of fresh air and movement.

Dive into the science of active recovery—click for the full story

The Art of Eating Slowly: A Doritos Experiment

Continuing with the theme of mindful eating, I conducted an experiment with Cool Ranch Doritos, my favourite flavour, mirroring a previous test with strawberries the other day. Purchasing a snack-sized bag to limit consumption vs my normal order a Costco sized bag that I would eat myself in the past over a few days, I dedicated 15 minutes to the task. The experience was markedly different from the strawberries, with the chips retaining their crunchiness even after extensive chewing. The predominant flavors were saltiness and a hint of sweetness, leaving a lingering aftertaste that prompted a need for more water. I don't think that I noticed the sweetness before when eating these, so that was interesting.

This experiment highlighted the stark contrast in texture and flavor between processed snacks and natural fruits, further emphasizing the importance of mindful eating in recognizing the nuances of different foods.

Reflections and Moving Forward

As I close the chapter on these first three weeks, I'm reminded of the program's holistic approach to wellness, which extends beyond physical activity and into the realms of nutrition and mindfulness. The challenges and discoveries along the way, from navigating crowded lakesides to experimenting with mindful eating techniques, have enriched my journey.

Looking ahead, I'm eager to delve deeper into the nutritional aspects of the program, armed with the knowledge and habits cultivated thus far.


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