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Showing posts from March, 2024

Day 70: Easter Celebrations, Active Recovery, and Nutritional Reflections

A Productive Start to Easter Sunday Easter Sunday began with an invigorating long walk around the neighborhood with my dog, setting a peaceful tone for a day filled with activity and family time. Surprisingly, the vacuuming session contributed an unexpected 30 minutes of cardio to my day, as recorded by my Fitbit, underscoring the value of incorporating movement into everyday tasks. We share who does the housework and vacuuming hasn't been on my to do list for a while.This type of exercise is Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT. NEAT refers to the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating, or sports-like exercise. It includes the calories we burn from our daily activities that are not considered planned physical exercise like walking to work, typing, vacuuming, performing yard work, or even fidgeting. Culinary Preparations for Family Dinner The centerpiece of today's Easter celebration was the preparation of two prime rib roasts using sous vide—

Day 69: Sunny Outings, Ice Cream Treats, and Reflective Recovery

Family Time by the Lake Today's active recovery was a delightful family outing to the lake, complete with our dog in tow. The challenge of managing her reactions to other dogs continues, but our dedication to new training methods is unwavering. It was an exceptionally beautiful day, with the sun shining warmly at 10°C—a perfect setting for our lakeside walk.  The outing was sweetened further by indulging in ice cream from Kawartha Dairy, a treat that, thanks to my journey with Precision Nutrition, I enjoyed guilt-free. This is something that I would never have done on previous programs. Recognizing the value of moderation and the joy of occasional treats has been a liberating shift in mindset. Physical Recovery and Reflection Feeling a bit sore from yesterday's workout, I was grateful for the program's thoughtful scheduling, which allotted today for gentle movement and recovery. The soreness, particularly in my abdominal muscles, attests to the effectiveness of the exercise

Day 68: Embracing New Workouts and Anticipating Carb Conversations

Continuing the Fitness Journey Today marked another productive workout day in the evolving journey of my fitness routine. Incorporating a mix of bodyweight and band exercises, the session was both challenging and rewarding. The routine began and concluded with a treadmill walk, framing the workout with a steady warm-up and cool-down, ensuring my body was properly prepared and recovered. Today's exercises, again in mini circuits, enriched my regimen with variety and targeted different muscle groups for a comprehensive workout: - Ribs-Down Breathing - Wall Glute Iso March - X-Band Walk - Banded No Money - Neutral-Grip Seated Band Row - Supine Banded No Money Drill - Wall-Press Abs These exercises, focusing on form and engagement, have been instrumental in enhancing my physical well-being, showcasing the program's well-rounded approach to fitness.  Lesson on Simplifying Fitness Today's lesson resonated deeply with me, emphasizing the importance of trusting our bodies and prior

Day 67: Mindful Recovery and Educational Insights

Refining Leash Manners Today's active recovery was dedicated to improving leash manners during our neighborhood walks. This focus on leash training provided a structured opportunity for both physical activity and behavioral refinement for my dog. It's fascinating to observe how integrating such specific goals into routine activities like walking can enhance the experience, making it more engaging and productive for both of us. She is so much better compared to even a month ago, which gives me hope that we can get back to where she was last spring. Active recovery, the pathway to better health and recovery. Exploring Food Through Cinema The lesson for today took an intriguing turn, delving into the world of food-related movies and documentaries. Highlighting films like Food Inc., Super-Size Me, King Corn , and others serves as a reminder of the complex relationship we have with food, culture, and the food industry. These films explore various aspects of food production, consumpt

Day 66: Band Workouts, Local Food Sources, and Gardening Goals

Progressing with Resistance Band Workouts On this workout day, I continued with the band-based exercises, a routine that's quickly becoming a cornerstone of my fitness regimen. An unexpected mishap with a band snapping during the x-band walk was a minor setback, but having a set of bands allowed me to swiftly switch and carry on. I realize that I have been using the wrong type of resistance bands and have ordered a new set. Today's session included a blend of familiar exercises and new additions, utilizing a yoga mat for comfort during the kneeling movements.  The exercises for today were: - Ribs-Down Breathing - Wall Glute Iso March - X-Band Walk - Banded No Money - Half-Kneeling Band Row and Press - Single-Arm Half-Kneeling Band Row - Single-Arm Half-Kneeling Band Press A 15-minute treadmill walk served as both a warmup and a cool-down, emphasizing my preference for focused, uninterrupted exercise time. However, daily walks with my dog and son, especially our morning excursio

Day 65: Navigating Recovery and Nutritional Realities

Morning Reflections and Rainy Walks The day began with an unusually lengthy walk around the neighborhood, a deviation from our standard routine that left my usually vivacious dog seeking the comfort of an early nap. This unexpected calm set a serene tone for the day, despite the adjustments made to our usual lake visits due to scheduling constraints. Instead, we embraced the soft embrace of the rain in the afternoon and evening, finding solace in the rhythmic patter against our raincoats and the quiet, misty streets that lay before us and she didn't try and bring me home even though she was getting her head wet. These moments of peaceful recovery, intertwined with the natural elements, provided a gentle yet effective active recovery experience. The benefits of active recovery, explained—click to discover Embracing New Challenges and Recovery Yesterday marked the beginning of a new phase in my fitness journey, introducing a structured set of exercises designed to enhance strength an

Day 64: Embracing New Workouts and Deepening Nutritional Knowledge

Transitioning to a New Exercise Routine Today marked a refreshing shift in my workout regimen with the introduction of new exercises, signaling a progression in my fitness journey with Precision Nutrition. After a brief warm-up on the treadmill, I delved into a series of exercises designed to enhance my strength, flexibility, and core stability. Starting with ribs-down breathing—a familiar concept from my guided meditation sessions, but applied in a new, static context—I transitioned into dynamic movements like Wall March, X-Band Walk, and Banded No Money, followed by Band Row and Band Pull-Apart variations. The second round intensified the challenge with Split-Stance Band Row variations, integrating ribs-down breathing throughout. Concluding with a 15-minute treadmill walk ensured a balanced session, blending cardiovascular and strength elements seamlessly. The comprehensive guidance provided through written instructions, photos, and videos, including modifications for each exercise,

Day 63: Reflections, Challenges, and Plans for Progress

Active Recovery with My Dog Today, on this active recovery day, my dog and I continued to enjoy our excursions to the lake, which has become a preferred destination for its tranquility and the opportunity it presents for training. Working on her reactions to other dogs, ducks, and geese, these outings have not only become a key part of my active recovery but also a valuable training session for her, reinforcing the importance of adaptability and patience. Revitalize your routine with active recovery—learn how. Reflecting on a Week of Vegetable Integration Today's lesson offered a moment to pause and reflect, a practice I value greatly. It provided an opportunity to assess my efforts towards incorporating more vegetables into my diet, the challenges encountered, and plans for ongoing improvement. I appreciate how the program prompts me to track things like this, not every day, but in a way that is not overwhelming while still keeping me accountable to myself. Efforts and Pride I'

Day 62: Celebrating Progress and Reflective Measurements

Embracing Measurement Day Today marks another significant milestone in my journey with Precision Nutrition my third "full" measurement day which includes weight, girths and photos that I upload into the portal. I've adopted a strategic approach to tracking my progress, choosing to record girth measurements once a month to acknowledge that true change requires time.  This morning, I was thrilled to discover I've lost over 20 cm across various parts of my body, including my neck, arm, shoulder, chest, waist, hips, thigh, and calf since measuring the first time two months ago. Witnessing the aggregate change was incredibly motivating.  Additionally, I've seen a reduction of 7.5lbs since the start of the program. This gradual weight loss aligns with my belief in the sustainability of slow, steady progress over rapid, less manageable changes. I feel like this pace is sustainable for me and don't feel like I am restricting myself in any way in terms of food choices.

Day 61: Treadmill Focus and Exploring Green Supplements

Dedicated Treadmill Time On this workout day, I reaffirmed my preference for guided meditation walks on the treadmill. This controlled environment allows me to fully immerse in the meditation, concentrating solely on myself and the guidance. While walking outside or even around the house with the dog, that is a distraction and we do that enough. I want this to be only me time, especially because I know that at some point this workout will expand in the program. As a bonus, utilizing the treadmill also presents the opportunity to seamlessly transition from a meditative state into a more vigorous workout, by increasing speed or incline, thereby maximizing my exercise time for both mindfulness and cardio benefits. The day brought more snow, adding an unplanned yet welcomed physical activity to my routine of shoveling. Interestingly, shoveling snow now feels less strenuous, as indicated by the lack of cardio minutes recorded on my Fitbit compared to earlier in the winter before I started t

Day 60: Active Recovery and Mindful Food Management

A Snowy Start with Active Recovery The 60th day of my journey began with an unexpected yet timely active recovery task—shoveling snow. Accompanied by my dog, the early morning chore provided a spontaneous workout, kickstarting my day with physical activity.  Following this, we ventured to the lake for our morning walk, embracing the serene winter landscape before taking a few more strolls around the neighborhood throughout the day. These walks, interspersed with household tasks, underscored the importance of flexibility and the unexpected opportunities for physical activity that daily life presents. Elevate your recovery process with our active recovery guide. Today's Lesson: Reducing Food Waste The focus of today's lesson on minimizing food waste resonated deeply with me. The challenge of managing perishables, preventing food from being forgotten in containers, or allowing fresh produce to deteriorate is a common household issue. To address this, I've decided to switch fro

Day 59: Indoor Meditation Walks and Exploring Veggie Prep

Innovative Indoor Walking Meditation Today's workout introduced a novel twist to my guided meditation walks—I opted to roam around the main floor of my house instead of using the treadmill. This change brought an unexpected companion along for the journey: my dog decided to join in, turning the meditation walk into an impromptu indoor adventure for her as well. While her presence introduced a slight distraction, the overall experience remained calming and focus-enhancing, similar to the treadmill sessions but with a more personal touch. This indoor walk proved to be a serene alternative to navigating the distractions of a busy neighborhood where I had tried to do them before, affirming the versatility of meditation walks in different settings. Culinary Creativity with Veggies Today’s lesson delved into the diverse methods of preparing vegetables, highlighting the nutritional and taste benefits of varying cooking techniques, such as raw, steamed, grilled, and broiled options. My rec

Day 58: Active Steps and Nutritional Diversity

A Day Full of Movement Today's active recovery unfolded with an early morning neighborhood walk with my dog, setting a peaceful tone for the day. The tranquility of the morning was a perfect start, with the streets quieter and the air fresher. Later, my son and I ventured to the lake, embracing the scenic beauty and the calming presence of the water—a stark contrast to the urban walks. We rounded off the day with another neighborhood stroll, and to my pleasant surprise, I achieved my Fitbit cardio goals much sooner than expected. This suggests not only an increase in my walking pace but also an improvement in my overall fitness level. Observing my dog's increased panting and immediate thirst upon returning home, it's clear she's getting a more vigorous workout as well. Discover how active recovery can transform your life Embracing a Variety of Fruits and Veggies Today's lesson reinforced the ongoing habit of incorporating a diverse range of fruits and vegetables int

Celebrating the Success of Homemade Protein Bread

A New Breakfast Favorite My experiment with baking protein bread turned out to be an unexpected delight, not just for me but for my family as well. The introduction of this hearty alternative at breakfast received enthusiastic approval from both my mum and son and they both agreed it was very similar to sourdough that I had made before in terms of the chew. They both topped their toasted their slices with peanut butter and honey, a combination that proved to be both delicious and remarkably satisfying. The feedback was unanimous: the protein bread kept them feeling full much longer compared to our usual sprouted toast options. This observation underscores the nutritional value and satiety benefits of incorporating protein-rich options into our meals. A Lunchtime Revelation For my own midday meal, I ventured to create a more elaborate dish using the protein bread—I crafted a grilled cheese sandwich with added pesto, tomato, and spinach. This combination not only elevated the grilled che

Day 57: Challenges, New Directions, and Nutritional Habits

A Day of Reflection and Learning Today's fitness routine remained consistent, with the program's guided walking meditation on the treadmill providing a moment of focused tranquility amidst an otherwise tumultuous day. This structured meditation continues to be a valuable tool for mindfulness and stress reduction, especially in light of today's events. Facing Challenges in the Forest Our forest hike today took an unexpected turn, resulting in a decision to pause such excursions with my dog. We encountered several dogs, leading to a series of unexpected reactions from my otherwise friendly Rottweiler. Despite her playful nature, her size and breed can be intimidating, and today's incidents underscored the complexity of her interactions with other dogs and their owners. From a persistent dog that wouldn't leave her alone to encounters that visibly frightened other pet owners, today highlighted the need for a new approach to her training. In response, I've enrolled

Day 56: Forest Walks, Planning Ahead, and Creative Nutrition

Reflective Planning and Nutritional Strategies Today's lesson from Precision Nutrition emphasized reflection of the program so far and forward planning. The weekly review prompted me to consider the upcoming focus on incorporating more fruits and vegetables into our diet. In anticipation, I've arranged for fresh baby spinach, strawberries, and tomatoes to be delivered so that I can have them for breakfast on Monday. These selections are strategic, chosen for their versatility in eggs, wraps, and smoothies, aligning with the program's new habit of enriching our meals with fruits and veggies. Recognizing that "sneaking" these nutrients into various dishes is a practical approach, I'm excited to explore this in the week ahead. Recipe for protein bread Culinary Experiments and New Discoveries This afternoon, I ventured into baking protein bread, a deviation from my usual sourdough creations. The experience was surprisingly rewarding, with the bread rising impressi

Day 55: Adaptable Routines and Nutritional Consistency

Adapting to the Day's Challenges Today's active recovery day began with a delightful twist—my husband joined the dog and me for a morning walk around the neighborhood. He is recovering from trauma surgeries on his leg so he can't always come out on walks like he used to every day and so I was happy he felt strong enough to come with me. It was  a refreshing change to have his company during our routine exercise. Later, realizing I was short of my personal cardio goal (a target set outside the Precision Nutrition program), I seized the opportunity to hop on the treadmill to make up the zone minutes on my Fitbit. The afternoon brought stormy weather, which my dog decidedly dislikes, leading us to switch gears and engage in indoor play. Hide and seek became the game of choice, offering both fun and physical activity despite being confined indoors. Our evening routine also saw adjustments due to the weather; donned in raincoats, we ventured out for her bedtime walk. True to her

Day 54: Mindful Movements and Savvy Shopping Strategies

Refining Meditation Walks on the Treadmill On today’s workout schedule, I returned to my guided meditation walks on the treadmill, reaffirming my preference for this controlled environment over the unpredictability of the outdoors. This return to the treadmill allowed me to fully immerse myself in the meditation, focusing intently on the prompts and on my body's movements—left heel, right arch, the rhythm of my breathing, and the subtle adjustments in my posture. Interestingly, the mindfulness cultivated in these sessions has started to spill over into my outdoor walks, with random thoughts of my physical movements enhancing my awareness even in the absence of audio guidance. Today’s Nutritional Insight: Smart Shopping and Produce Preservation Today’s lesson ventured into the practicalities of shopping, offering a wealth of tips on how to make fresh produce last longer, whether it’s storing certain items in the fridge or letting them ripen on the counter. The discussion extended to

Day 53: Lakeside Tranquility and Navigating Kitchen Makeovers

Morning Active Recovery with a Lakeside Twist Today's active recovery day found me embracing a serene morning by the lake, a splendid change of pace from our usual forest excursions. The tranquility of the lake offered the perfect setting for loose leash training with my dog. With numerous paths available, it was easier to manage distractions and avoid encounters with other dogs, contributing to a more focused training session. My dog is gradually improving in her leash behavior, a testament to the patience and consistency of our efforts over the past few months. Our off-leash walks in the forest remain a preferred activity, largely because she's more at ease without the leash, showcasing the nuances of managing her reactions in different environments. Active recovery made simple—click to learn more. The Challenge of a Kitchen Makeover Today's lesson tackled the daunting task of a kitchen makeover, an endeavor aimed at fostering a healthier eating environment. While the les

Day 52: Exploring New Paths and Building Community Support

A New Twist on Guided Meditation Walks Today's journey brought a new experience to my precision nutrition program—attempting my guided meditation walk outdoors, diverging from my usual treadmill routine. While embracing the fresh air and changing scenery, I found the outdoor environment less conducive to the deep focus I've enjoyed on the treadmill. The need to remain alert to cars, dogs, and passersby, all while trying to follow the meditation prompts, introduced a level of distraction that detracted from the relaxation and focus I sought. This contrasted starkly with the serene concentration I naturally find during our forest hikes, where the absence of guided audio allows me to intuitively tune into my body's movements and sensations. Valuable Connections Through Zoom A standout moment today was participating in a Zoom call with one of the program's coaches. The open office format of the call, scheduled later to accommodate international participants, including those