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Day 89: Comprehensive Measurement Day and Active Recovery

Platinum and diamond wedding band set used to track weight loss body transformation heart shaped diamond

Measuring Progress

Today marks another significant measurement day in my journey, where I took full advantage of assessing my progress through photos, girth measurements, and the scale. Although my rings still don't fit—a change I anticipate as I continue to lose weight—I've shed a total of 10.7 lbs and an impressive 37.5 cm total girth, with over 10 cm each from my waist and hips. We measure neck, shoulders, chest, waist, hips, upper arm, thigh and calf. This visual and numeric transformation underscores the value of comprehensive tracking beyond just the scale. I use a smart tape measure for accuracy, especially for hard-to-reach areas like my shoulders.

Health Benefits to Shrinking my Waist

Shrinking the waistline is important not just for aesthetic reasons (although that is what we see) but for health benefits as well. A smaller waist can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic syndromes. Reducing waist circumference helps lessen the amount of visceral fat—the harmful fat stored around internal organs—which is a key factor in improving overall metabolic health. This transformation leads to better regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol levels, enhancing both longevity and quality of life. So for me to see that shrinking the most so far is a huge win as that is what I want, improving my health.

As I have said before, I am also measuring things you can't put a number on like my emotions, energy levels and sleep. Plus of course, my rings, which still don't fit and that's okay I would think a lot more weight will need to go before my fingers shrink enough to wear them together.

A Day for Reflection and Recovery

There's no formal lesson in the program today; Saturdays seem intentionally designed for reflection and catching up, aligning with the bi-weekly measurement schedule. As an active recovery day, I engaged in NEAT activities like cleaning, organizing, and of course, walking my dog, which doubles as my exercise. I'm also sorting through clothes that have become too large, a tangible sign of my progress.

Keeping Some Clothes

I am keeping one pair of jeans and one pair of dress pants as I can use a belt to hold them up, if needed as I really do not want to spend any money on things that might not fit in another few months. I am keeping my tops, coats and jackets for now with the exception of a few that just looked ridiculous when I tried them on today. I had a friend of mine say don't donate or get rid of clothes until the end of the program which to me is like planning to fail, so off they go!

Weather Woes and Shopping Wins

Unexpectedly, the weather was erratic today—rain, hail, and snow appeared sporadically, preventing me from using the log splitter as planned. As you can imagine that wasn't fun to take the dog out in either. There didn't seem to be any kind of pattern and so after the first walk I added her raincoat to keep her dry. However, the day brought an unexpected boon; I stumbled upon a offer for $100 e-certificates from Instacart priced at $79.99 each. Snagging two, I effectively saved $40 on my grocery haul from Costco and Whole Foods and that is always a win for me after all a penny saved is a penny earned - the quote from my mum when I told her about the savings.


Clearly it is too cold for the plants to be moved outside today from the greenhouse. It's too bad because it is pretty sunny between these strange stretches of weather so it looks like it would be okay but it is cold. I bought some more living lettuce from Costco today, it came in a pack of three and I planted two of them. My dog, as helpful as ever, managed to snatch one off the shelf in the greenhouse as I was preparing the pots. I'm hopeful that these will grow well but they had significantly shorter roots vs the other living lettuce so we shall see. I would love to be able to have year round food growing even if it i just simple things like green onions or lettuce.

Anticipating New Lessons

On Facebook, a coach shared a thought-provoking post hinting at an upcoming lesson on sleep habits, The last thing I do before I go to bed is _____ reinforcing why I chose Precision Nutrition. It’s this holistic, educational approach—far from a one-size-fits-all regimen—that truly aids in transforming not just the body but the entire self. This program continues to offer the tools and support needed to navigate and sustain this transformative journey.


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