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Day 5 of Precision Nutrition Coaching: Transforming Desires into Actions

Welcome back, to all my readers!

Today marked the fifth day of my journey with the Precision Nutrition (PN) Coaching program and like each day before, it was truly educational. The central theme of today's lesson was about transforming our "I don't wants" into "I do wants," a powerful shift in mindset that propels us from passive wishing to active doing.

Flipping the Script: From "Don't" to "Do"

It's easy to get caught in the trap of saying things like, "I don't want to be out of shape." However, this approach is often unproductive. Today's lesson taught me to reframe these thoughts into positive affirmations. Instead of focusing on what I don't want, I'm learning to focus on what I do want, like being in better shape. This simple flip in wording makes a significant difference in how I approach my goals.

Vision Boards and Letters to the Future

The course also introduced some creative tools to visualize and commit to our goals. I'm particularly excited about creating a vision board and writing a letter to my future self, which will be sent back to me at the end of the year. These simple exercises are not just about setting goals but about connecting with them on a deeper level.

Want to write a letter to you future self? Future Me is a great free option!

My Personal Goals with PN Coaching

By the end of this program, I envision myself as a healthier, well-rested individual who eats well and exercises regularly. I'm committed to starting a couch to 5k running program next year, at the end of the program as I expect that I will have the physicality to do that and I'm looking forward to feeling happy, proud, and confident in the decisions I make.

The Workout Plan: Customized and Flexible

Today's session also included an overview of the workout section. It's impressive how the program offers various options for each workout, complete with videos, text instructions, and modifications. Based on my assessments and feedback, my coaches have tailored a workout plan that initially focuses on meditation, seated exercises, and walking, rather than jumping straight into weight training. This gradual approach is perfect for me, as it allows me to build a solid foundation of regular exercise, proper movement, and flexibility.

Aligning with My Lifestyle

I'm thrilled to see how the suggested activities, like extra walking or biking, seamlessly integrate with my current lifestyle that I can do on active recovery days. Walking my dog twice a day and using the recumbent bike, and my rowing machine while watching a show are already a part of my routine, aligning perfectly with the program's recommendations.

Community Support and Surprises

A highlight of today was receiving a team message from our coaches. It seems these weekly messages will be a staple, filled with useful resources, reminders for upcoming Zoom sessions, and even delightful surprises like a recipe for a frittata from an external site Tasty Yummies' Summer Harvest Frittata. It's refreshing to see the program incorporate external resources, making the journey more diverse and exciting.

Looking Forward

As I progress through the PN Coaching program, I'm filled with anticipation and eagerness to see the transformations that lie ahead. Each day brings new insights and tools, not just for achieving my fitness goals, but for fostering a healthier, happier lifestyle. Stay tuned for more updates as I continue on this transformative journey!


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