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The Power of Hydration: Enhancing Health Beyond IBS and Sleep

The image depicts a woman jogging on a treadmill in a modern gym setting. She is drinking from a reusable water bottle while maintaining her pace. The woman has medium-length brown hair tied back in a ponytail and is dressed in a light blue tank top and black leggings. The gym is well-lit and features various fitness equipment in the background, creating an active and clean atmosphere. Her expression is focused and determined, highlighting her commitment to fitness and health.

Hello everyone! I've been making a conscious effort to increase my water intake and overall fluid intake recently and I'm excited to share the benefits I've experienced. My daily routine now starts with a refreshing drink before breakfast, and I keep a special water bottle by my side throughout the day—a thoughtful gift I received for my birthday from my son. During meals, I sip water slowly to complement my slower eating pace, and I enjoy two cups of tea daily. This simple change in my hydration habits has already made a noticeable difference in managing my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and improving my sleep quality. Inspired by these positive changes, I wanted to delve deeper and explore other health benefits of staying hydrated, which led me to write this article.

Starting with a Sip: My Hydration Journey

While not part of a specific habit in the Precision Nutrition program, it is something that is talked about keeping hydrated to avoid dehydration and without a doubt increasing my daily water intake has been a game changer for my health. Each morning, I begin with a hydrating boost before breakfast, setting a positive tone for the day which I also feel has helped me when it comes to making better breakfast choices as it helps to curb the hunger when I first wake up. 

Slow Eating Habit Tip

Previous to Precision Nutrition, I would not drink a lot with meals, or at all. I'm not sure when that started but when we talked about tips to slow down the coaches mentioned taking a sip of water or whatever drink in between bites. I figured that was an easy thing to try but it took some practice to make that a habit. I can say that now at all meals, I take it slow, integrating sips of water with my bites and I am still focusing on putting down my fork/spoon as well. This extra water is definitely helping digestion and enhances my dining experience. 


The inclusion of two comforting cups of tea has become a cherished part of my routine. I am enjoying the ritual of choosing a tea, watching the loose leaves float around as it is brewing is quite calming and adds to the enjoyment. Sometimes I will have a third tea before bed, one of the herbal ones, along with listening to a short meditation track.

Drinking on the Treadmill 

I discovered that my older water bottle was fine for drinking on the treadmill when it was a slower pace but since I have been working on increasing that plus varying the inclines I needed a new one. My son thoughtfully found one that was perfect for me - pretty much a duplicate of his type - and it was a lovely surprise on my birthday. 

My Immediate Health Benefits


Surprisingly, the increase in fluid intake and better sleep has brought immediate relief to my IBS symptoms since I have focused on increasing it. It has been so long since anyone talked to me about my IBS and when I noticed a changed I searched online to see if staying hydrated helps. Turns out, that being well hydrated was the reason that I was noticing that there was much less bloating and betters digestive processes, and that is why my uncomfortable days are much less frequent which is amazing.


Sleep is on of the measures of progress off the scale for me that I have been focused on since starting the program. I can say that without a doubt my sleep quality has improved. Another quick online search and it was confirmed that hydration has a calming effect on my body, preparing me for a restful night. The link between sufficient fluid intake and better sleep is well-supported by studies, suggesting that proper hydration helps maintain essential bodily functions during sleep. 

My doctor had talked to me about how they know that sleep can impact weight, and that there is evidence that people who get too little sleep have a higher risk of weight gain and obesity when you compare them to people who get 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. When I started this program I was lucky if I was getting 5 to 6 hours sleep a night, now I am getting 6.5-7.5 hours and that is a huge change for me. It's tricky to sleep in when you have pets like I do, but going to bed earlier and falling asleep faster has been working most nights.

The image illustrates a tranquil bedroom scene with a woman sleeping soundly in her bed. The room is bathed in soft lighting, enhancing the serene atmosphere. A glass of water is placed on a small side table beside the bed, underscoring the importance of hydration. The woman has short curly black hair and is dressed in a light grey sleep shirt. The bedding is a soft blue, and a dimly lit night lamp provides a gentle glow, contributing to the restful environment. This setup symbolizes the significance of good sleep and hydration in maintaining health, especially concerning weight management and issues like IBS.

Hydration and Holistic Health

Beyond aiding in IBS management and sleep enhancement, staying hydrated influences several aspects of health. It boosts metabolic rate, supporting weight management by enhancing the body's ability to burn calories efficiently. Proper hydration also improves cognitive functions, keeping the mind sharp and mood elevated.

Cognitive and Emotional Benefits

Tracking my emotional regulation is one of the things that I have noticed has improved by a lot lately and while I'm sure that meditation is helping tons, I know that hydration's impact on the brain is profound. Adequate water intake supports overall brain health, aiding in concentration and preventing the mental fatigue that often accompanies dehydration. This not only helps in maintaining productivity throughout the day but also enhances overall mood stability.

Skin and Beauty Perks

Let's not overlook the aesthetic benefits of hydration. Regular and sufficient water consumption can lead to clearer, more radiant skin. By helping to flush out toxins and maintain optimal blood flow, hydration ensures that the skin receives the nutrients it needs to heal and regenerate effectively. When I was researching for this post, I was reminded how important water is for your skin - it is something that we were told in school in health class but I had not thought of that being something specific to focus on in a long time. 

How Much Fluid Should Adults Drink?

I am happy to see that the recommendations are being broken down better than the last time I talked about how much to drink with a diet clinic. Previously they said 8 cups of 8oz of water a minimum a day, not including any other fluids or foods for everyone who went there, regardless of their age, sex or health history. Now, thankfully, that has been modified to be more about the precision healthcare aspect and the recommended daily fluid intake can vary based on factors such as age, sex, climate, physical activity level, and overall health. General guidelines from health organizations like the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggest the following:

For men

About 3.7 liters (or about 125 ounces) of fluids a day. This total includes all beverages and the moisture content found in food.

For women

About 2.7 liters (or about 91 ounces) of fluids a day. This total also includes all beverages and the moisture from food.

These recommendations are for generally healthy adults living in temperate climates and may need to be adjusted based on specific health conditions, exercise intensity, and environmental factors.

A Simple Step Towards Comprehensive Wellness

My journey to increase my daily water intake has taught me the invaluable role hydration plays in maintaining and enhancing overall health. Whether it's managing IBS symptoms, improving sleep, boosting metabolic rate, or even clearing up skin, the benefits of simply drinking more water are vast and varied. I encourage everyone to consider their hydration habits and make that simple, yet impactful, change towards a healthier life. Drink up to health!


Sleep Foundation, Surprising Ways Hydration Affects Your Sleep, 2024

Harvard School of Health, Waking Up to Sleep’s Role in Weight Control, accessed 2024

International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders, Sleep and IBS, accessed 2024

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Good hydration linked to healthy aging, 2023


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