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Embracing Balance: My Personal Story with PCOS

A woman with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) receives professional hair removal treatment via laser or electrolysis in a tranquil beauty salon setting. She has medium skin tone and dark hair, is lying on a sleek treatment bed with protective goggles, and appears relaxed. A technician operates the modern hair removal device attentively.

Hey everyone! When I was 17, I first learned that I had PCOS following a second surgery to remove cysts from my ovaries (my first was 18 months before) and it was all pretty new to me back then. I struggled with the typical symptoms: irregular periods and unwanted hair growth, though, luckily, no weight issues initially. But after starting various medications, I noticed my weight began to slowly increase.

In my 20s with PCOS

Fast forward a bit, and I found myself rushing to the ER with what was thought to be appendicitis, but turned out to be a burst cyst. After recovering from another surgery, which included both appendix and cyst removal, my journey with weight challenges really began. Seeking better control, I switched doctors and got referred to a diet clinic. This place was strict—meticulous calorie counts and thrice-weekly check-ins—but it worked! I shed the weight, ditched the meds, and for the first time, my periods started evening out.

Having a baby with PCOS

In my late 20s, despite knowing it might be tough, my husband and I were overjoyed to eventually welcome our son, who I was even able to breastfeed—a happy surprise given the usual low milk supply associated with PCOS. I had just gotten off all of the medications, spent months and months in a diet clinic with doctors and nurses and my periods came back in a pretty regular cycle for the first time in years. Life post-baby saw me battling weight gain again, and though I revisited the diet clinic, the regimen was just too rigorous with a little one to chase around.

In my 40s with PCOS

If you are here, you know I’ve been trying out the Precision Nutrition program and, honestly, I’ve not felt this good in over a decade. It’s been about holistic lifestyle changes rather than strict dieting without being able to exercise, and I’m loving the new energy it's brought into my life in only the first few months of the program. I can't wait to see how I feel after a whole year!

Here’s to finding what works for you and sticking with it!

My Lifelong Journey with PCOS and Hair Removal

Navigating the challenges of PCOS, I've encountered the recurring hurdle of excess hair growth, a common symptom that has shadowed me from my teen years into adulthood. In my teens, I turned to electrolysis to manage unwanted facial hair, striving for a long-term solution to this persistent issue. As I ventured into my 20s, I sought further relief through laser treatments under the guidance of a dermatologist, addressing hair growth in various body areas. 

Despite these professional treatments, the battle with hair growth remains a lifelong endeavor. During the Covid-19 lockdowns, when salon visits became impractical, I invested in a Tria home laser hair removal device. Backed by promising studies, this tool seemed ideal for targeting sporadic hair growth on my face, neck, and chest. Although effective for darker hair, the appearance of white hairs as I age presents a new challenge, as they are less responsive to the laser. For now, a mini shaver serves as a simple workaround for these stubborn strands. My journey with PCOS and hair removal is ongoing.

Navigating the Unpredictable: Dealing with PCOS Cyst Pain

Adapting Exercise to Manage Sudden Discomfort

Living with PCOS means facing the unpredictability of cyst pain, which can flare up without warning, including during physical activities. The sharp, sudden pain from cysts forming or bursting can be not only disruptive but also intensely painful, sometimes necessitating a halt in whatever activity I'm engaged in. Thankfully, working out at home provides the flexibility to pause or adjust my routine as needed. For instance, on the treadmill, reducing the incline often helps mitigate discomfort, though there are times I must stop altogether. This flexibility was harder to come by in the past when gym classes didn't offer the same privacy or immediacy for handling such painful moments.

Decades ago, these painful episodes could leave me feeling nauseated and breathless, needing to sit down until the sensation passed. Now, with more experience managing my symptoms, I'm usually able to adjust my activities on the fly to cope better. 

Disrupting My Sleep

However, the pain sometimes strikes in the middle of the night, disrupting my sleep and leaving me waiting for relief before I can drift off again. This journey with PCOS cyst pain emphasizes the importance of adaptability and self-care, especially in maintaining an active lifestyle.ce required to manage the condition's fluctuating demands.

What's PCOS Anyway?

Understanding PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS for short, is one of those common yet puzzling conditions affecting many women around their reproductive age. Imagine your body like a finely tuned orchestra, but in PCOS, the hormonal section is a bit out of sync. This imbalance can lead to a variety of symptoms that can be quite baffling and often frustrating

Hormones and What They Do

PCOS primarily shows up with a mix of symptoms thanks to an imbalance in hormones—particularly, an excess of androgens, often referred to as male hormones. This can lead to things like acne, extra hair growth in unwanted places, and sometimes difficulties with your menstrual cycle, making it unpredictable or even scarce. 

Insulin and You

Another key player in the PCOS puzzle is insulin, the hormone that helps your body turn sugar into energy. Many women with PCOS have something called insulin resistance, which means their bodies can use insulin but not effectively. This inefficiency can lead to elevated insulin and blood sugar levels, upping the risk for things like type 2 diabetes.

Managing PCOS: More Than Just Treatment

Finding What Works for You

Managing PCOS involves a blend of lifestyle tweaks and medical strategies. Keeping active and eating a balanced diet helps manage weight and reduce insulin resistance. And though there's no one-size-fits-all cure, treatments can vary from hormonal birth control, which helps regulate periods and symptoms, to medications like metformin that improve insulin resistance.

It's a Team Effort

Working closely with healthcare providers to tailor a treatment plan is crucial. It's all about managing symptoms to improve quality of life and reduce risks of other complications.

Remember, now PCOS is pretty common, and with the right approach, many women manage their symptoms successfully and lead healthy, happy lives. Whether it’s through medication, lifestyle changes, or a combination of both, finding the balance that works for you can make all the difference!

PCOS References

Lactation Help, Goat's Rue to Increase Breastmilk, 2023

BioMed Central, Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, Genetic, hormonal and metabolic aspects of PCOS: an update, 2016


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