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Day 96: Nutritional Tracking and Peaceful Rains

A woman in her mid-fifties, with short grey hair, is tending to her garden under a steady rain. She wears a bright yellow raincoat and dark green rubber boots, adding a splash of color to the scene. The woman is busy spreading grass seeds over patchy yellow areas in the lush green lawn. She holds a large blue umbrella in one hand, protecting herself from the rain, as she works to rejuvenate her garden. The backdrop features a cozy suburban house with a neatly kept small garden visible in the background, enveloped in a soft, wet ambiance.

Hello again! With the weekend here and no specific lessons or live sessions in the PN program, it's a quieter day dedicated to reflection and self-directed activities. 

Diving Into Nutritional Tracking

Today, I started using the tracking sheets provided by our coaches to monitor my intake of proteins, veggies, carbs, and fats. Breaking down meals into these components is quite an eye-opener, and I appreciate using our hands as a simple, scale-free measurement tool. It makes the process straightforward and less technical, which really aligns with my approach to keeping things stress-free in the kitchen. 

I'm looking forward to the new habit on plating to see what is recommended and compare the two to see where I can start to make adjustments. I am also trying to use some of the things from the Intuitive Eating book and trust what my body wants to eat, when possible, so not 100% sure how those two things will come together.

Active Recovery and Rainy Days

The weather has blessed us with a steady rain, altering my usual outdoor active recovery routine. Instead, I hopped onto the recumbent bike and caught up on a TV show. The rain also means fewer people and dogs are out, allowing for longer, uninterrupted walks around the lake and neighborhood. It's peaceful and gives me a chance to clear my head and enjoy the quiet and it is a great way for my dog to focus on me and she seems less reactive on days like this when she does see other dogs.

Advancements in Muzzle Training

Muzzle training is progressing better than expected! Today, both my son and I managed to put the muzzle on our dog without any assistance from each other, a big step from the initial struggles. While she still tries to remove it, her comfort with the muzzle is visibly improving, and I'm optimistic about her upcoming vet visit. I feel more confident that I can put the muzzle on alone, if needed. Still loads of treats but that's okay I want this to be something that she doesn't mind.

Gardening Joys

My container plants are thriving under the nurturing touch of the rain. My small ensemble of plants—pepper plants, green onions, a lime tree, lemon tree, regenerating celery, and lettuce—are all soaking up the moisture. I had planned to expand my plants today with tomato starters and a cucumber plant, but the weather has put that on hold as I need to turn over my raised garden and wait for more plants to come that I ordered. 

Meanwhile, I've taken advantage of the wet soil to scatter grass seeds where needed, hoping the birds won't be too tempted by them. I know that this isn't really the time of year to add seed but there are a bunch of patches where my dog "watered" the lawn over the winter that I want to help out. Thankfully they are all in the backyard and we don't have a sidewalk on our side of the street so the front lawn is nice and green. I'm also using some of the soil from past container plants in the garden to help give them something to grow into as the dead grass is covering the dirt - it was a tip I heard on a gardening show.

Restorative Rest

Finally, after several nights of broken sleep due to my horrible period cramps/cysts, I enjoyed a restful, uninterrupted night. It's amazing how much more energized I feel with just one good night's sleep. I woke up with a few sore spots from yesterday's new exercises, but they were gone after my morning routine, leaving me ready to tackle the day.

Thank you for joining me on this calm and productive day. Whether it's the simple act of tracking meals or enjoying the soothing sounds of rain, each moment brings a new appreciation for the journey I'm on. Let’s see what tomorrow brings!


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