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Day 9: Embracing Self-Assessment for Sustainable Change

In this image, we see a large group of people in a grid layout, reminiscent of a virtual meeting. Each individual is framed within their own box, suggesting a screen, and every person has a unique background—some are indoors, others outdoors with iconic skylines, landscapes, or natural scenery. The expressions are varied, ranging from smiles and thumbs-ups to more neutral, thoughtful poses. This mosaic of faces and backgrounds paints a picture of diverse participants, possibly from different parts of the world, engaging in a shared digital experience. It’s a snapshot of modern communication, where technology connects us across distances for work, collaboration, or social interaction.

Thanks for coming by to follow along my holistic wellness path!

Today's journey in the Precision Nutrition program for women brought me back to the drawing board for another round of self-assessment. It's becoming clear that regular check-ins with ourselves are not just repetitive tasks but foundational steps towards lasting change. It's a practice I've admittedly not prioritized enough, yet I understand its significance in the path to transformation.

How Live Coaching Elevates the Precision Nutrition Experience

Nutritional Reflections: A Path to Mindful Eating

When it comes to nutrition, the program prompted me to delve into questions like "What do I know?", "What can I do?", and "What will I do consistently?". These questions aren't just about reflecting on knowledge but about actionable insights and consistent practices.

I'm aware that a diet rich in whole foods, hydration, and a minimal intake of ultra-processed foods is ideal. My strategy to avoid temptation this month has been simple yet effective: not buying ultra-processed snacks. I've also made a conscious effort to stay hydrated, opting for larger glasses to encourage more water intake. My long term goal is ambitious yet attainable: to limit processed foods to 5% of my diet, ensuring that my meal choices are both healthy and confidence-boosting.

Realistically, my current lifestyle involves a lot of eating out, often resorting to drive-thrus due to a hectic schedule. However, I foresee a positive shift in about a month as the set of appointments out of town will be finished, hopefully allowing me more time at home to prepare meals daily. In the meantime, I'm focusing on portion control when eating out, a significant change for me to order medium instead of large or small instead of medium, where I can.

Exercise: Building a Balanced Routine

On the exercise front, the need for more movement is evident. Incorporating weight-bearing exercises and maintaining my current routine of twice-daily dog walks are steps in the right direction. My aspiration is to develop a comprehensive exercise routine that includes weights, cardio, and yoga/meditation, eventually increasing dog walks to three times a day.

Currently, my exercise regimen includes regular dog walks and forest hikes 2-3 times a week, activities that I enjoy and commit to. The challenge lies in finding companions for hikes, as safety concerns deter me from going alone and my dog is going into heat so we can't go then (she is on track to be spayed so this will not be an issue after this last time). Thankfully, the PN program offers structured workouts and meditation sessions that I can follow from home.

After this introspection, I'd place myself at level one for both nutrition and exercise. It's comforting to know that many others in the program are at a similar stage, which means I'm in good company. Consistency remains my biggest hurdle, but I'm optimistic that this program will instill lasting habits in both nutrition and exercise.

Active Recovery and Community Support

Today was marked as an active recovery day, which I spent hiking in the regional forest with my dog and son. It's an activity I would have avoided last winter due to icy conditions, but thanks to the right gear, we're now able to enjoy these moments safely.

The day also featured a live Zoom call on resilience, emphasizing the importance of picking up where you left off, regardless of missed days. The sharing of personal strategies by participants from around the globe was particularly inspiring, highlighting the diverse and supportive community this program fosters.

From workout buddies to meal planning, the tips shared were invaluable. The anticipation of upcoming habits that will aid in managing nutrition and exercise during vacations has me excited, especially with a trip on the horizon

Unlock the secrets of active recovery- click here to dive deeper.


Today reinforced the value of self-assessment and community support in fostering resilience and adaptability. As I continue on this journey, I'm reminded of the power of starting where you are, embracing the process, and leaning on a community that spans across continents. The path to change is paved with consistent, mindful actions, and I'm here for it, one step at a time.


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