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Day 2 of Precision Nutrition Journey: Building Our Toolbox and Embracing New Routines

In this vivid image, a Rottweiler is captured mid-stride, exuding a sense of joy and playfulness, its tongue hanging out in a happy pant. The dog stands on a forest path dappled with sunlight that filters through the tall pine trees. The forest floor is lush with ferns and moss, painting a picture of a healthy, vibrant ecosystem. This scene evokes the beauty of nature and the spirit of exploration shared between humans and their canine companions. It's a snapshot of an idyllic moment, full of life, light, and the bond with the natural world.

Welcome back, friends!

Today marked an exciting step in our Precision Nutrition journey as we began to construct our personal health and wellness toolbox. This process involves a reflective look at what resources we already possess that will aid us in this transformative program. I use the toolbox with mums that I help during their breastfeeding and lactation journeys as well - pick a tool that works and remove the ones that are not working as you go along. 

Recognizing Existing Strengths

As I embark on this journey, I realize the importance of acknowledging the tools already at my disposal:

Passion for Cooking: My love for cooking is a significant advantage. It not only makes the process of preparing healthy meals enjoyable but also ensures that I have control over what goes into my body. Also it helps to have the tools to cook like pots and pans, sous vide, air fryer, pressure cooker, etc.

Home Exercise Equipment: Fortunately, I have a variety of home exercise equipment including a TRX system, resistance bands, Bowflex Resolution with a rowing machine, free weights, yoga balls, a treadmill, a recumbent bike, etc. While I don't have an elliptical machine, this variety will be instrumental in keeping up with the diverse range of exercises expected in the program.

My Dog, My Motivation: Having a dog is a blessing in many ways. She not only provides companionship but also ensures that I step outside for daily walks rain or shine - although she doesn't like the rainy walks most days. This routine is especially beneficial since I work from home, and these walks provide much-needed physical activity and a break from the indoor environment.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

While recognizing my strengths, I also noted a crucial area needing improvement: Sleep. Currently, I average around 6 hours of sleep per night. Although this is somewhat consistent,I know it's not sufficient. The chronic tiredness I experience throughout the day is a clear indicator that I need to prioritize better sleep habits and I have read other reviews that say sleep is one of the things that improved for other people who have done the PN program so hoping that it is the same for me.

Today's Learning: Posture and Breathing Assessment

The focus of today's exercise lesson was a revelation. It involved a posture and breathing assessment, highlighting the three types of breathing. The educational videos and posture comparison photos were particularly helpful as they provided a clear understanding of the correct techniques and their importance in overall health and fitness. I can honestly say I have never done a breathing assessment before like this.

Applying the Lessons: An Extended Walk with My Dog

To put today's lessons into practice, I took my dog for an extended walk to the lake. This walk, a deviation from our usual route, was refreshing for both of us. It's moments like these that remind me of the importance of variety, not just in our exercise routines but also in our daily activities, to keep our minds and bodies engaged and healthy.

Continuing with Established Habits: Prioritizing Oral Health

In addition to embracing new routines and lessons from the Precision Nutrition program, I've decided to continue with a habit I've been focusing on lately: improving my oral health. Despite the program suggesting that we could switch our habits, I believe in the importance of consistency, especially when it comes to health practices and this is one that I need to stick.

Commitment to Using the Waterpik

My tool of choice for this endeavor is the Waterpik. I'm convinced that regular use of this device will significantly benefit my oral hygiene. It's not just about brushing and flossing; using the Waterpik helps in reducing plaque, improving gum health, and reaching areas that traditional brushing might miss. I'm committed to making this a non-negotiable part of my daily routine, understanding that good oral health is a vital component of overall wellness.

Incorporating Exercise: 30 Minutes on the Recumbent Bike

Today's exercise was self-directed, as the program hasn't set specific workouts for this week. I chose to spend 30 minutes on the recumbent bike. This form of exercise is not only low-impact, making it gentle on the joints, but it's also an effective way to boost cardiovascular health. 

To make the most of this exercise session, my husband ingeniously set up our tablet in front of the bike's display. This setup allowed me to watch a show while pedaling. This small but significant modification made the exercise time enjoyable and seemingly quicker. It's a reminder of how integrating entertainment can transform a workout from a mundane task to a more engaging and enjoyable experience. 


Today reinforced the idea that while embracing new habits and routines is essential, it's equally important to maintain consistency in existing beneficial practices. Whether it's taking care of my oral health or fitting in exercise amidst a busy schedule, each small step contributes to a larger picture of overall health and well-being. As I continue with the Precision Nutrition program, I'm learning to balance the introduction of new habits with the continuation of established ones, creating a comprehensive approach to my health journey.

Looking Forward

As I continue with the Precision Nutrition program, I'm excited to delve deeper into understanding my body and improving my health. Each day brings new knowledge and opportunities to grow, and I'm eager to see where this journey takes me and to share it with all of you as well.


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