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A Welcoming Start: My First Live Session with Precision Nutrition

This image displays a grid of individual portraits, with each frame featuring a different person, suggesting a virtual meeting or conference. The diverse group of smiling individuals are from various ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds, reflecting inclusivity and global connection. The backgrounds behind each person vary from cityscapes to countryside views, implying that they are joining from different locations around the world. The overall mood is positive and friendly, with some participants giving a thumbs-up or a peace sign, while others are simply smiling or waving. It’s a snapshot of modern communication technology bringing people together.

Sometimes, the universe aligns perfectly with our plans. Today was one of those days. I had initially planned to attend the live introduction/welcome session for the Precision Nutrition program next week, but an unexpected change in schedule allowed me to join today's session. And what an enriching experience it was!

A Global Gathering

The live sessions are all done with Zoom and today's session was a vibrant mix of participants from around the globe, along with both the male and female group coaches. It was inspiring to be part of such a diverse group, all embarking on this journey towards better health and wellness together and I can't wait for the program to start and share in each other's success.

Why You Shouldn't Skip Live Coaching Sessions in Your PN Program

Program Overview

The coaches did an excellent job of walking us through the various aspects of the program. They emphasized the program's tailored approach and its focus on the present – a refreshing perspective that reassures you're never really off track or need to catch up. Just start from today, leave the rest behind. I say something similar all the time to mums I work with, do your best, forget the rest, but haven't really applied that to myself.

Flexibility and Accessibility

One aspect that stood out to me was the optional nature of these live sessions. The coaches assured us that all sessions would be recorded for those who couldn't attend live and that while we are encouraged to tap into all of the different opportunities with this program, they are completely optional to attend or view at all. This flexibility of having them recorded is perfect for my sometimes unpredictable schedule - babies don't really schedule as well as adults - ensuring I don't miss out on valuable insights that might not be captured in emails or Facebook group posts.

Beyond Set Menus

The team also took some time and explained why Precision Nutrition doesn't rely on a set menu, or a set number of times to eat in a day, thankfully. I have had my fair share of experiences with that in the past, that didn't work out. Instead, the program's focus is on teaching us how to make healthier food choices, which aligns perfectly with my love for cooking and trying new recipes. 

See some of the amazing recipe suggestions from PN and our group.

A Tour of the Online Portal

Precision Nutrition is an online nutrition program and during this introductory session we were given a comprehensive walkthrough of the online portal, which includes a wealth of resources. From written instructions, links, photos and videos, a calendar of events, a personal progress section, and more, the portal is designed to support our journey every step of the way. They also explained that the portal is not shared with other people in the program, so when we enter in information only the coaches have access to that.

Measurement Section in the Portal

I not surprised that they have a section in the portal for our measurements. I was surprised that it was optional to use, that it was only every other week and that we were not going to weigh in before the program started. I really appreciate that it is optional to use, I was dreading doing this step every day and I find my weight fluctuates a lot day to day thanks to PCOS. I have also been measured as part of a diet clinic before with a tape measure and they did that monthly, which is what I am going to do.

Seeing Progress in Action

The highlight of this session for me was when they showcased a fake profile of a participant halfway through the program. It gave us a glimpse into the kind of habits we'll be developing and the practical tools we'll need, like a baking sheet or roasting pan, to prepare recommended foods. I loved this most of all because often recipes will just presume you have things in your kitchen and not everyone does.

Cooking and Learning

As someone who loves cooking, and am always looking for new things to try, I'm particularly excited about trying new recipes and incorporating them into my journey. The level of detail provided in the session about cooking and meal preparation was both surprising and highly appreciated. I am hoping they will incorporate sous vide recipes too as that is something I have been exploring over the past couple of years at home.

Looking forward to Monday

Today's live session was more than just an introduction; it was a gateway to a community and a wealth of resources. It reinforced my decision to join Precision Nutrition and heightened my excitement for what's to come. I'm looking forward to diving into this program, exploring new recipes, and sharing my journey with this diverse and inspiring group.


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